Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should Government Support Higher Education For Students...

Higher Education Should government support higher education for students who attend college? The opportunity to gain a college education helps advance the American ideals of progress and equality which is one great reason that the government should support higher education for students who attend college. The precedent for direct aid to students; however, was set by the 1944 G.I. Bill, and expanded in the National Defense Education Act of 1958. Moreover; the Higher Education Act of 1965, which formed the basis for the current federal student aid system, embodied the principle that all qualified students should be able to attend college, regardless of their financial means (Nisar, 2015). Another; great benefit government should consider when supporting such policy for higher education is that a college education benefits not only the individual, but the country and economy as a whole. A highly educated work force is an essential component of economic growth and competitiveness; in fact, it is estimated that increases in national educational attainment have accounted for almost 30% of the growth in national income in the 20th century. Additionally; because those with a higher education earns more, they can also save more, have less unemployment and makes fewer demands on the public purse while paying more taxes. When the government helps students attend college, it invests in our nation’s future and ensures that students are prepared with the skills to perform the jobs of theShow MoreRelatedFederal Student Aid s Primary Goal932 Words   |  4 PagesThe U.S. government has created a new strategy to make colleges more affordable for low income students. Federal student aid’s primary goal is to help as many students attend college as possible. Financial aid and Pell Grants help low income students who meet certain academic criteria cover the costs of tuition. 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