Friday, December 20, 2019

Descriptive Essay Hiking Up At The Canyon Edge - 1377 Words

Hiking up to the canyon edge, I look down into the vast, burnt-orange depth. The sun burns hot on my back and sweat runs down my face into my eyes. Brushing the sweat away, I take a drink of water from the crinkly plastic bottle before looking back down into the wondrous canyon. The land below my feet once combined into a single plateau with the Colorado River flowing across. Years and years of erosion formed the Grand Canyon; years and years of exposure to the element of life, of exposure to water, formed one of the most beautiful of landmarks. Water forms, Water creates, and Water has flowed around me for my whole life. I experienced water at a very early age and as soon as I was big enough, my family had my tiny feet in water skis. My grandparents always tell me â€Å"you could ski before you could swim†. Of course my tiny feet didn’t fit â€Å"big girl skis† yet so I had a pair of training skis. I remember them so well. The light blue wave pattern, the blonde skiing man towed by a white boat, the giant shark looming not far behind the skier. The skis had a rope holding them together in the front and a metal bar in the back as to keep the young skiers legs from drifting too far apart as they might otherwise be inclined to. The handlebar I gripped was attached to a rope which split in two directions. One direction connected to the skis to distribute the pull of the boat. The other ended with a second handle bar which my grandfather would hold. The purpose of his involvement was soShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesDeviance: Bucking the Hierarchy? 506 Case Incident 2 Siemens’ Simple Structure—Not 506 4 16 The Organization System Organizational Culture 511 What Is Organizational Culture? 512 A Definition of Organizational Culture 512 †¢ Culture Is a Descriptive Term 514 †¢ Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures? 514 †¢ Strong versus Weak Cultures 514 †¢ Culture versus Formalization 515 What Do Cultures Do? 516 Culture’s Functions 516 †¢ Culture Creates Climate 516 †¢ Culture as a Liability 517 Creating and

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