Saturday, December 28, 2019

Scholarly Journals Versus Popular Magazines - 876 Words

Introduction As we all know, the professor always ask students to read or write some scholarly journals when they become a university student. Many of student do not know what kind of article can be called scholarly journals? Anyhow, those be loved by the people of articles always are not form scholarly journals in our daily lives. Like popular magazines. We can see citizen read a magazine on the bus stop chair but never see people read a scholarly journal. what are the different with the common popular magazines in bookstore? Which kind of articles are more suit for the university students. This article will show some different point between scholarly journals and popular magazines and what the traits of scholarly journals are. After†¦show more content†¦For instance: â€Å"I don’t limit my 13-year-old’s gaming. Here’s why† Sometimes author even is not named. Second, is about the notes. scholarly journals article usually includes notes and/or bibliographic r eferences. However, popular magazines not. There are not always have lots of example. This suggests that scholarly journals is more respected and serious academic research. By contrast, If you want to do some research or need to find some science-based information, care you best chose. Due to all the information, which be showed in the scholarly journals are validated. In the other hand, popular magazines has itself’ benefit too. The advantage of popular magazines is interesting. Reader feel simple and have lots of fun when they read it. scholarly journals can not do this like magazines. For write style. scholarly journals always written for experts using technical language. In contrast, due to almost people like some simple words article which do not use too much brain. Therefore, magazines prefer written for nonprofessional or layperson. For example, Then, about two kinds of articles ‘s appearance.the word print of scholarly journals almost black and whit, sometimes with black and white figures, tables, graphs and/or charts. But magazines usually have many color picture, this always about the information in the article.for instance, the author talking about queen story. So, they put a Elizabeth II ‘s near by the

Friday, December 20, 2019

Descriptive Essay Hiking Up At The Canyon Edge - 1377 Words

Hiking up to the canyon edge, I look down into the vast, burnt-orange depth. The sun burns hot on my back and sweat runs down my face into my eyes. Brushing the sweat away, I take a drink of water from the crinkly plastic bottle before looking back down into the wondrous canyon. The land below my feet once combined into a single plateau with the Colorado River flowing across. Years and years of erosion formed the Grand Canyon; years and years of exposure to the element of life, of exposure to water, formed one of the most beautiful of landmarks. Water forms, Water creates, and Water has flowed around me for my whole life. I experienced water at a very early age and as soon as I was big enough, my family had my tiny feet in water skis. My grandparents always tell me â€Å"you could ski before you could swim†. Of course my tiny feet didn’t fit â€Å"big girl skis† yet so I had a pair of training skis. I remember them so well. The light blue wave pattern, the blonde skiing man towed by a white boat, the giant shark looming not far behind the skier. The skis had a rope holding them together in the front and a metal bar in the back as to keep the young skiers legs from drifting too far apart as they might otherwise be inclined to. The handlebar I gripped was attached to a rope which split in two directions. One direction connected to the skis to distribute the pull of the boat. The other ended with a second handle bar which my grandfather would hold. The purpose of his involvement was soShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesDeviance: Bucking the Hierarchy? 506 Case Incident 2 Siemens’ Simple Structure—Not 506 4 16 The Organization System Organizational Culture 511 What Is Organizational Culture? 512 A Definition of Organizational Culture 512 †¢ Culture Is a Descriptive Term 514 †¢ Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures? 514 †¢ Strong versus Weak Cultures 514 †¢ Culture versus Formalization 515 What Do Cultures Do? 516 Culture’s Functions 516 †¢ Culture Creates Climate 516 †¢ Culture as a Liability 517 Creating and

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Company Law The Doctrine of Capital Maintenance †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Doctrine of Capital Maintenance. Answer: The doctrine of capital maintenance is the most important principles of corporate law. It means that appropriate consideration for shares issued must be received by the company and the in particular circumstances, the members must be paid the received capital. This capital is hoarded by the companies in order to ensure safety of the creditors of the company. The court ensures that there is lawful dispersion of the capital by acting as a supervisor (Birt 2014). The case of Trevor v Whitworth (1887), established this doctrine in which the House of Lords considered that a company was incapable of acquiring its own shares as it would lead to decrease in the companys capital. It was also held that according to the authorization of the court, the members shall not be entitled to receive any capital without any deduction in the capital. In the Flitcrofts Case, Jessel M.R mentioned the following features of the capital maintenance doctrine. The following attributes are: firstly, a company cannot purchase its own shares. Secondly, the companys shareholders are entitled to the payment of dividends. Thirdly, restrictions are imposed upon the a company to provide financial assistance in the purchasing of its own shares. Lastly, the doctrine of capital maintenance states the rules regarding the deductions in the share capital or reserves of the company (Ferran and Ho 2014). The doctrine of capital maintenance has been incorporated in the Australian corporate law under section 256 A, 256 C of the Corporations Act 2001. This provision aims at ensuring fair dealings between the shareholders and the creditors along with protecting their interests. Section 256 C of the Act stipulates that the companys share capital can be reduced only when it is approved by the shareholders and when it does not affect the paying ability of the company. However, in the year 1998, certain facets of the doctrine were relaxed by the countries due to the necessities of the modern businesses (Hannigan 2015). The company is allowed to decrease its share capital as per the doctrine under section 256 B and the company is allowed to buy back its shares as per the doctrine under section 257 A. The outdated capital system was outweighed by the transparent capital system that provides better security to the creditors. In conclusion it can be stated that this doctrine failed to provide legal protection to the creditors even after many amendments. However, the provisions can be attained by cost-effective and efficient means. It is recommended that the Australiancorporate law must remove the several restrictions imposed on the companies by incorporating more effective system that ensures effective business expansion. References: Birt, J., Chalmers, K., Maloney, S., Brooks, A., Oliver, J. and Janson, P., 2014. Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making 5e. Ferran, E. and Ho, L.C., 2014.Principles of corporate finance law. Oxford University Press. Hannigan, B., 2015. Company law. Oxford University Press, USA. Trevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Purchasing Management

Question: Write an essay about the "Logistics and Supply chain management". Answer: 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Key Information about L'Oral Paris Company Product - L'Oral Paris Company is the largest cosmetics company all over the world and this organization has developed activities in the cosmetics field by concentrating on hair care, perfumes, make-up, sun protection, skin care as well as hair colour (L'Oral - LOral Group, 2016). The major product of this company is the cosmetics products for men and women all over the globe. Supplier Market LOral Paris Company develops as well as creates sustainable and solid relationships as well with its supplier all over the globe based on high standards, mutual interest and trust (L'Oral - LOral Group, 2016). The purchasing policies of the group are mainly based on the mutual commitments in the service of shared growth of the company Competitors LOral Paris Company possesses a huge and a good competition in the beauty industry all over the world. As this industry is an ever-growing industry, therefore, the competition or the number of competitors for LOral Paris Company is increasing day by day (L'Oral - LOral Group, 2016). Therefore, the three major competitors of this company are Procter and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson as well as Avon. Organizational goals and strategies the organizational goal of LOral Paris Company is to make beauty, a language, to make beauty universal, to make beauty a science, to make beauty a commitment and to offer beauty to all. The core strategies of this company are as follows: Widening Customer Base Changing functions and operations of business Enhancing expense in Promotion and Advertising as well as Research and Development 1.2 Purpose of this Study The purpose of this particular study is to analyze the purchasing goals as well as needs of LOral Paris Company and to recommend appropriate tools those are to be considered by analyzing several important areas of purchase management like supplier selection, purchase cost analysis and ICT for purchase operations. 2.0 Supplier Selection Criteria and Issues The major goal of the purchase management of an organization is that this particular business component is always responsible to manage as well as obtain product and service supply sources the respective organization need to operate (Ghodsypour O'Brien 2012). Therefore, this department of LOral Paris Company is always responsible for identifying the suppliers that can provide the offers of the best service. On the other hand, the purchasing management department of the company can also set as well as monitor objectives for reliability, value, cost and quality (Choi Hartley, 2014). The purchasing management department of an organization can always help for getting the best possible quality of all the supplies, equipment as well as services at a very low cost (De Boer, Labro Morlacchi, 2014).This purchasing management department is most often a part of procurement section and manages the process of supply chain. The major dimension of the goals of purchasing management of LOral Paris Company is the social responsibility that among other things utilization of two focal activities such as the solidarity sourcing and social audits (Ellram, 2015). A priority is adherence to the basic rights and diversity of human being for LOral Paris Company that inspires the entire Buy and Care Program of the organization (Spekman, 2016). On the other hand, LOral Paris Company expects its suppliers for adhering to the fundamental conventions of the local legislation and International Labour Organization, especially in matters those are concerned regarding the occupational health and safety, work time and minimum wage. However, LOral Paris Company needs to improvise purchase management in order to prevent unethical practices and to ensure quality. LOral Paris Company has to set objectives or goals in terms of improving the cost as well as efficiency of purchasing within this company (De Boer, Labro Morlacchi, 2014). In order to improve or improvise the overall purchase management system, LOral Paris Company has to follow or implement some important and significant criteria those are to be selected by the suppliers of this organization (Ghodsypour O'Brien, 2012). Hence, in this scenario, this organization has to make some effective decisions in order accomplish the improvisation of the purchasing goals. Hence, the supplier selection criteria can be effective. These criteria are as follows: Value One of the most critical and crucial goals of purchase management of LOral Paris Company is to obtain value (Ellram, 2015). Therefore, the purchase department of LOral Paris Company should not look necessarily for the low price while they focus o the minimization of the supply costs. Quality the purchase management of LOral Paris Company determines the quality objectives. Therefore, LOral Paris Company has to ensure that the materials or the components the company source comply with the quality standard of the organization. The purchase management department of LOral Paris Company should closely work with the colleagues for setting quality costs in building, manufacturing quality standards into the specification for the suppliers. Reliability the purchase management should agree on the schedules with the suppliers and also set up the processes of communication for ensuring reliability so that both of the parties are aware of any changes or delays to schedules (Spekman, 2016). Suppliers who deliver on time and meet quality standards consistently can help this company in terms of maintaining their operational efficiency. Strategic Relationships An important long-term objective for the purchase management is building a strategic relationship with suppliers. Strategic Purchasing aim is for achieving cost minimizations while improving or maintaining the supply qualities (Choi Hartley, 2014). Purchase management of LOral Paris Company should recognize suppliers for achieving those outcomes that can play a role as long-term partners and work with them for achieving the improvements of quality and cost. Efficiency The purchase management department of LOral Paris Company should implement and develop policies for ensuring that the authorized individuals deal with the approved suppliers (De Boer, Labro Morlacchi, 2014). They should work with different departmental managers for identifying their requirements of purchasing and ensuring that no order duplication is present between departments. 3.0 ICT for Purchasing Operations ICT or Information and Communication Technologies are one of the most essential and effective enablers of the significant supply chain management. Hence, it has also a huge impact on the purchase management department of LOral Paris Company as it is an important component of supply chain management (Prajogo Sohal, 2013). ICT mainly helps the processes of purchasing streamline, enhances information as well as obtains effective access to the required data (Giertz et al., 2015). The ICT tools help for streamlining the process of purchasing as well as facilitating communication externally and internally. Thus, LOral Paris Company chooses IBM PureSystems for providing a new computing infrastructure and a new cloud-based system to operate its purchase management operations (Giertz et al., 2015). LOral Paris Company has been capable of reducing the overall size of the IT infrastructure of the organization and its power consumption. This particular system incorporates database technology th at can give accurate as well as timely input to the supply management for the tactical activities and strategic planning by means of purchase management process of that organization (Gonzlvez-Gallego et al., 2015). The relationship between IT as well as purchasing is changing quickly as the technology for sourcing effectively the services as well as products of an organization. However, LOral Paris Company has to follow several recommending strategies in order to improvise the ICT infrastructure of the company in terms of improving the purchase management system of LOral Paris Company. The modernization on the ICT tools can provide the organization a cloud-ready and secure that would be able to meet the business growth strategy of the organization (Roy Roy, 2013). Hence, in this scenario, IBM PureFlex help for providing LOral Paris Company with the Information Technology backbone for expanding its supply chain management operations into the cloud and delivering the latest offerings those are more personalized for the customers by means of purchase management (Pohjola Puusa, 2016). This system combines all management, virtualization, network, storage and compute of LOral Paris Company into a single system that is expected for anticipating the needs of infrastructure and optimizing resources (Prajogo Sohal, 2013). This system incorporates integrated knowle dge pattern that is designed for optimizing and automating the workload maintenance and deployment, helping for improving the purchase management through ICT infrastructure (Giertz et al., 2015). 4.0 Purchasing Cost Analysis Cost Analysis is the examination as well as a breakdown of the constituent costs. The dominant obligation of an organization and duty of a certain organization should be for managing costs (Weisbach, 2014). Cost analysis is a more complicated strategy as it incorporates the application of indirect and direct costs into the formulas due to which is an essentially comprehensive product breakdown (Christopher, 2016). Therefore, in case of LOral Paris Company, there are few objectives of the purchase management department of this organization in terms of purchasing cost analysis. The prime objective of purchase cost analysis of LOral Paris Company is for providing an estimation of what the costs and benefits of a program are likely to be before its implementation (Stadtler, 2015). Another significant objective of the purchase cost analysis of LOral Paris Company is for improving the program operation understanding and saying what intervention levels are very much effective. There are several approaches with the help of which the LOral Paris Company can improve their purchasing cost operations. These are as follows: Cost Analysis the first thing that LOral Paris Company should look at is the exact cost for purchasing the products is. LOral Paris Company should have a particular supplier that needs advanced payments (Bozarth Handfield, 2016). therefore, the actual cost of the organization are far higher that only the costs of the beauty products of LOral Paris Company, if the company is ordering huge items that take many people for moving and the organization has to pay for them to be delivered (Monczka et al., 2015). The holding costs have to be also added to the total cost, if LOral Paris Company has also an overstock of these goods. Thus, the entire purchasing cost from a specific supplier would be identified by a complete analysis of procurement (Weisbach, 2014). Inventory Analysis The next significant area for analyzing is the storing costs of the items and the cost of not having the items present for production or sale (Christopher, 2016). A proper procurement analysis can be capable of predicting the optimal future inventory on the current inventory of the organization (Monczka et al., 2015). This procurement analysis should also tell LOral Paris Company regarding the levels of optimum inventory that would not impact productivity and sales negatively. Analysis of Delivery time It can be very essential for LOral Paris Company, specifically while large and perishable goods are concerned. Huge amount of goods require a correspondingly large storage area as well as staff handling (Monczka et al., 2015). Some products require specific facilities of storage like freezer areas that may not be available. Careful f control of the inventory of the company has to be maintained. 5.0 Conclusion This report has become a successful reflection of the explanation or the analysis of purchase management by means of supply chain management and logistics of LOral Paris Company. the goals of this company in several areas like supplier selection, ICT in purchase operations and purchasing cost analysis has been successfully implemented. After the entire discussion, it has been clear that all of the recommending strategies or the appropriate tools those have been referred in this report should be carefully maintained by this company. This is because, LOral Paris Company should keep improvising their purchase management system by means of supply chain management and logistics of the organization with the help of these tools. References Bozarth, C. B., Handfield, R. B. (2016).Introduction to operations and supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. Choi, T. Y., Hartley, J. L. (2014). An exploration of supplier selection practices across the supply chain.Journal of operations management,14(4), 333-343. Christopher, M. (2016).Logistics supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. De Boer, L., Labro, E., Morlacchi, P. (2014). A review of methods supporting supplier selection.European journal of purchasing supply management,7(2), 75-89. Ellram, L. M. (2015). 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