Saturday, December 28, 2019

Scholarly Journals Versus Popular Magazines - 876 Words

Introduction As we all know, the professor always ask students to read or write some scholarly journals when they become a university student. Many of student do not know what kind of article can be called scholarly journals? Anyhow, those be loved by the people of articles always are not form scholarly journals in our daily lives. Like popular magazines. We can see citizen read a magazine on the bus stop chair but never see people read a scholarly journal. what are the different with the common popular magazines in bookstore? Which kind of articles are more suit for the university students. This article will show some different point between scholarly journals and popular magazines and what the traits of scholarly journals are. After†¦show more content†¦For instance: â€Å"I don’t limit my 13-year-old’s gaming. Here’s why† Sometimes author even is not named. Second, is about the notes. scholarly journals article usually includes notes and/or bibliographic r eferences. However, popular magazines not. There are not always have lots of example. This suggests that scholarly journals is more respected and serious academic research. By contrast, If you want to do some research or need to find some science-based information, care you best chose. Due to all the information, which be showed in the scholarly journals are validated. In the other hand, popular magazines has itself’ benefit too. The advantage of popular magazines is interesting. Reader feel simple and have lots of fun when they read it. scholarly journals can not do this like magazines. For write style. scholarly journals always written for experts using technical language. In contrast, due to almost people like some simple words article which do not use too much brain. Therefore, magazines prefer written for nonprofessional or layperson. For example, Then, about two kinds of articles ‘s appearance.the word print of scholarly journals almost black and whit, sometimes with black and white figures, tables, graphs and/or charts. But magazines usually have many color picture, this always about the information in the article.for instance, the author talking about queen story. So, they put a Elizabeth II ‘s near by the

Friday, December 20, 2019

Descriptive Essay Hiking Up At The Canyon Edge - 1377 Words

Hiking up to the canyon edge, I look down into the vast, burnt-orange depth. The sun burns hot on my back and sweat runs down my face into my eyes. Brushing the sweat away, I take a drink of water from the crinkly plastic bottle before looking back down into the wondrous canyon. The land below my feet once combined into a single plateau with the Colorado River flowing across. Years and years of erosion formed the Grand Canyon; years and years of exposure to the element of life, of exposure to water, formed one of the most beautiful of landmarks. Water forms, Water creates, and Water has flowed around me for my whole life. I experienced water at a very early age and as soon as I was big enough, my family had my tiny feet in water skis. My grandparents always tell me â€Å"you could ski before you could swim†. Of course my tiny feet didn’t fit â€Å"big girl skis† yet so I had a pair of training skis. I remember them so well. The light blue wave pattern, the blonde skiing man towed by a white boat, the giant shark looming not far behind the skier. The skis had a rope holding them together in the front and a metal bar in the back as to keep the young skiers legs from drifting too far apart as they might otherwise be inclined to. The handlebar I gripped was attached to a rope which split in two directions. One direction connected to the skis to distribute the pull of the boat. The other ended with a second handle bar which my grandfather would hold. The purpose of his involvement was soShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesDeviance: Bucking the Hierarchy? 506 Case Incident 2 Siemens’ Simple Structure—Not 506 4 16 The Organization System Organizational Culture 511 What Is Organizational Culture? 512 A Definition of Organizational Culture 512 †¢ Culture Is a Descriptive Term 514 †¢ Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures? 514 †¢ Strong versus Weak Cultures 514 †¢ Culture versus Formalization 515 What Do Cultures Do? 516 Culture’s Functions 516 †¢ Culture Creates Climate 516 †¢ Culture as a Liability 517 Creating and

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Company Law The Doctrine of Capital Maintenance †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Doctrine of Capital Maintenance. Answer: The doctrine of capital maintenance is the most important principles of corporate law. It means that appropriate consideration for shares issued must be received by the company and the in particular circumstances, the members must be paid the received capital. This capital is hoarded by the companies in order to ensure safety of the creditors of the company. The court ensures that there is lawful dispersion of the capital by acting as a supervisor (Birt 2014). The case of Trevor v Whitworth (1887), established this doctrine in which the House of Lords considered that a company was incapable of acquiring its own shares as it would lead to decrease in the companys capital. It was also held that according to the authorization of the court, the members shall not be entitled to receive any capital without any deduction in the capital. In the Flitcrofts Case, Jessel M.R mentioned the following features of the capital maintenance doctrine. The following attributes are: firstly, a company cannot purchase its own shares. Secondly, the companys shareholders are entitled to the payment of dividends. Thirdly, restrictions are imposed upon the a company to provide financial assistance in the purchasing of its own shares. Lastly, the doctrine of capital maintenance states the rules regarding the deductions in the share capital or reserves of the company (Ferran and Ho 2014). The doctrine of capital maintenance has been incorporated in the Australian corporate law under section 256 A, 256 C of the Corporations Act 2001. This provision aims at ensuring fair dealings between the shareholders and the creditors along with protecting their interests. Section 256 C of the Act stipulates that the companys share capital can be reduced only when it is approved by the shareholders and when it does not affect the paying ability of the company. However, in the year 1998, certain facets of the doctrine were relaxed by the countries due to the necessities of the modern businesses (Hannigan 2015). The company is allowed to decrease its share capital as per the doctrine under section 256 B and the company is allowed to buy back its shares as per the doctrine under section 257 A. The outdated capital system was outweighed by the transparent capital system that provides better security to the creditors. In conclusion it can be stated that this doctrine failed to provide legal protection to the creditors even after many amendments. However, the provisions can be attained by cost-effective and efficient means. It is recommended that the Australiancorporate law must remove the several restrictions imposed on the companies by incorporating more effective system that ensures effective business expansion. References: Birt, J., Chalmers, K., Maloney, S., Brooks, A., Oliver, J. and Janson, P., 2014. Accounting: Business Reporting for Decision Making 5e. Ferran, E. and Ho, L.C., 2014.Principles of corporate finance law. Oxford University Press. Hannigan, B., 2015. Company law. Oxford University Press, USA. Trevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Purchasing Management

Question: Write an essay about the "Logistics and Supply chain management". Answer: 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Key Information about L'Oral Paris Company Product - L'Oral Paris Company is the largest cosmetics company all over the world and this organization has developed activities in the cosmetics field by concentrating on hair care, perfumes, make-up, sun protection, skin care as well as hair colour (L'Oral - LOral Group, 2016). The major product of this company is the cosmetics products for men and women all over the globe. Supplier Market LOral Paris Company develops as well as creates sustainable and solid relationships as well with its supplier all over the globe based on high standards, mutual interest and trust (L'Oral - LOral Group, 2016). The purchasing policies of the group are mainly based on the mutual commitments in the service of shared growth of the company Competitors LOral Paris Company possesses a huge and a good competition in the beauty industry all over the world. As this industry is an ever-growing industry, therefore, the competition or the number of competitors for LOral Paris Company is increasing day by day (L'Oral - LOral Group, 2016). Therefore, the three major competitors of this company are Procter and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson as well as Avon. Organizational goals and strategies the organizational goal of LOral Paris Company is to make beauty, a language, to make beauty universal, to make beauty a science, to make beauty a commitment and to offer beauty to all. The core strategies of this company are as follows: Widening Customer Base Changing functions and operations of business Enhancing expense in Promotion and Advertising as well as Research and Development 1.2 Purpose of this Study The purpose of this particular study is to analyze the purchasing goals as well as needs of LOral Paris Company and to recommend appropriate tools those are to be considered by analyzing several important areas of purchase management like supplier selection, purchase cost analysis and ICT for purchase operations. 2.0 Supplier Selection Criteria and Issues The major goal of the purchase management of an organization is that this particular business component is always responsible to manage as well as obtain product and service supply sources the respective organization need to operate (Ghodsypour O'Brien 2012). Therefore, this department of LOral Paris Company is always responsible for identifying the suppliers that can provide the offers of the best service. On the other hand, the purchasing management department of the company can also set as well as monitor objectives for reliability, value, cost and quality (Choi Hartley, 2014). The purchasing management department of an organization can always help for getting the best possible quality of all the supplies, equipment as well as services at a very low cost (De Boer, Labro Morlacchi, 2014).This purchasing management department is most often a part of procurement section and manages the process of supply chain. The major dimension of the goals of purchasing management of LOral Paris Company is the social responsibility that among other things utilization of two focal activities such as the solidarity sourcing and social audits (Ellram, 2015). A priority is adherence to the basic rights and diversity of human being for LOral Paris Company that inspires the entire Buy and Care Program of the organization (Spekman, 2016). On the other hand, LOral Paris Company expects its suppliers for adhering to the fundamental conventions of the local legislation and International Labour Organization, especially in matters those are concerned regarding the occupational health and safety, work time and minimum wage. However, LOral Paris Company needs to improvise purchase management in order to prevent unethical practices and to ensure quality. LOral Paris Company has to set objectives or goals in terms of improving the cost as well as efficiency of purchasing within this company (De Boer, Labro Morlacchi, 2014). In order to improve or improvise the overall purchase management system, LOral Paris Company has to follow or implement some important and significant criteria those are to be selected by the suppliers of this organization (Ghodsypour O'Brien, 2012). Hence, in this scenario, this organization has to make some effective decisions in order accomplish the improvisation of the purchasing goals. Hence, the supplier selection criteria can be effective. These criteria are as follows: Value One of the most critical and crucial goals of purchase management of LOral Paris Company is to obtain value (Ellram, 2015). Therefore, the purchase department of LOral Paris Company should not look necessarily for the low price while they focus o the minimization of the supply costs. Quality the purchase management of LOral Paris Company determines the quality objectives. Therefore, LOral Paris Company has to ensure that the materials or the components the company source comply with the quality standard of the organization. The purchase management department of LOral Paris Company should closely work with the colleagues for setting quality costs in building, manufacturing quality standards into the specification for the suppliers. Reliability the purchase management should agree on the schedules with the suppliers and also set up the processes of communication for ensuring reliability so that both of the parties are aware of any changes or delays to schedules (Spekman, 2016). Suppliers who deliver on time and meet quality standards consistently can help this company in terms of maintaining their operational efficiency. Strategic Relationships An important long-term objective for the purchase management is building a strategic relationship with suppliers. Strategic Purchasing aim is for achieving cost minimizations while improving or maintaining the supply qualities (Choi Hartley, 2014). Purchase management of LOral Paris Company should recognize suppliers for achieving those outcomes that can play a role as long-term partners and work with them for achieving the improvements of quality and cost. Efficiency The purchase management department of LOral Paris Company should implement and develop policies for ensuring that the authorized individuals deal with the approved suppliers (De Boer, Labro Morlacchi, 2014). They should work with different departmental managers for identifying their requirements of purchasing and ensuring that no order duplication is present between departments. 3.0 ICT for Purchasing Operations ICT or Information and Communication Technologies are one of the most essential and effective enablers of the significant supply chain management. Hence, it has also a huge impact on the purchase management department of LOral Paris Company as it is an important component of supply chain management (Prajogo Sohal, 2013). ICT mainly helps the processes of purchasing streamline, enhances information as well as obtains effective access to the required data (Giertz et al., 2015). The ICT tools help for streamlining the process of purchasing as well as facilitating communication externally and internally. Thus, LOral Paris Company chooses IBM PureSystems for providing a new computing infrastructure and a new cloud-based system to operate its purchase management operations (Giertz et al., 2015). LOral Paris Company has been capable of reducing the overall size of the IT infrastructure of the organization and its power consumption. This particular system incorporates database technology th at can give accurate as well as timely input to the supply management for the tactical activities and strategic planning by means of purchase management process of that organization (Gonzlvez-Gallego et al., 2015). The relationship between IT as well as purchasing is changing quickly as the technology for sourcing effectively the services as well as products of an organization. However, LOral Paris Company has to follow several recommending strategies in order to improvise the ICT infrastructure of the company in terms of improving the purchase management system of LOral Paris Company. The modernization on the ICT tools can provide the organization a cloud-ready and secure that would be able to meet the business growth strategy of the organization (Roy Roy, 2013). Hence, in this scenario, IBM PureFlex help for providing LOral Paris Company with the Information Technology backbone for expanding its supply chain management operations into the cloud and delivering the latest offerings those are more personalized for the customers by means of purchase management (Pohjola Puusa, 2016). This system combines all management, virtualization, network, storage and compute of LOral Paris Company into a single system that is expected for anticipating the needs of infrastructure and optimizing resources (Prajogo Sohal, 2013). This system incorporates integrated knowle dge pattern that is designed for optimizing and automating the workload maintenance and deployment, helping for improving the purchase management through ICT infrastructure (Giertz et al., 2015). 4.0 Purchasing Cost Analysis Cost Analysis is the examination as well as a breakdown of the constituent costs. The dominant obligation of an organization and duty of a certain organization should be for managing costs (Weisbach, 2014). Cost analysis is a more complicated strategy as it incorporates the application of indirect and direct costs into the formulas due to which is an essentially comprehensive product breakdown (Christopher, 2016). Therefore, in case of LOral Paris Company, there are few objectives of the purchase management department of this organization in terms of purchasing cost analysis. The prime objective of purchase cost analysis of LOral Paris Company is for providing an estimation of what the costs and benefits of a program are likely to be before its implementation (Stadtler, 2015). Another significant objective of the purchase cost analysis of LOral Paris Company is for improving the program operation understanding and saying what intervention levels are very much effective. There are several approaches with the help of which the LOral Paris Company can improve their purchasing cost operations. These are as follows: Cost Analysis the first thing that LOral Paris Company should look at is the exact cost for purchasing the products is. LOral Paris Company should have a particular supplier that needs advanced payments (Bozarth Handfield, 2016). therefore, the actual cost of the organization are far higher that only the costs of the beauty products of LOral Paris Company, if the company is ordering huge items that take many people for moving and the organization has to pay for them to be delivered (Monczka et al., 2015). The holding costs have to be also added to the total cost, if LOral Paris Company has also an overstock of these goods. Thus, the entire purchasing cost from a specific supplier would be identified by a complete analysis of procurement (Weisbach, 2014). Inventory Analysis The next significant area for analyzing is the storing costs of the items and the cost of not having the items present for production or sale (Christopher, 2016). A proper procurement analysis can be capable of predicting the optimal future inventory on the current inventory of the organization (Monczka et al., 2015). This procurement analysis should also tell LOral Paris Company regarding the levels of optimum inventory that would not impact productivity and sales negatively. Analysis of Delivery time It can be very essential for LOral Paris Company, specifically while large and perishable goods are concerned. Huge amount of goods require a correspondingly large storage area as well as staff handling (Monczka et al., 2015). Some products require specific facilities of storage like freezer areas that may not be available. Careful f control of the inventory of the company has to be maintained. 5.0 Conclusion This report has become a successful reflection of the explanation or the analysis of purchase management by means of supply chain management and logistics of LOral Paris Company. the goals of this company in several areas like supplier selection, ICT in purchase operations and purchasing cost analysis has been successfully implemented. After the entire discussion, it has been clear that all of the recommending strategies or the appropriate tools those have been referred in this report should be carefully maintained by this company. This is because, LOral Paris Company should keep improvising their purchase management system by means of supply chain management and logistics of the organization with the help of these tools. References Bozarth, C. B., Handfield, R. B. (2016).Introduction to operations and supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. Choi, T. Y., Hartley, J. L. (2014). An exploration of supplier selection practices across the supply chain.Journal of operations management,14(4), 333-343. Christopher, M. (2016).Logistics supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. De Boer, L., Labro, E., Morlacchi, P. (2014). A review of methods supporting supplier selection.European journal of purchasing supply management,7(2), 75-89. Ellram, L. M. (2015). The supplier selection decision in strategic partnerships.Journal of Purchasing and materials Management,26(4), 8-14. Ghodsypour, S. H., O'Brien, C. (2012). A decision support system for supplier selection using an integrated analytic hierarchy process and linear programming.International journal of production economics,56, 199-212. Giertz, E., Rickne, A., Rouvinen, P., Ali-Yrkk, J., Arvidsson, N., Brostrm, A., ... Lougui, M. (2015).Small and beautiful-The ICT success of Finland and Sweden. Verket fr innovationssystem-VINNOVA. Gonzlvez-Gallego, N., Molina-Castillo, F. J., Soto-Acosta, P., Varajao, J., Trigo, A. (2015). Using integrated information systems in supply chain management.Enterprise Information Systems,9(2), 210-232. Monczka, R. M., Handfield, R. B., Giunipero, L. C., Patterson, J. L. (2015).Purchasing and supply chain management. Cengage Learning. Pohjola, I., Puusa, A. (2016). Group dynamics and the role of ICT in the life cycle analysis of community of practice-based product development: A case study.Journal of Knowledge Management,20(3). Prajogo, D., Sohal, A. (2013). Supply chain professionals: A study of competencies, use of technologies, and future challenges.International Journal of Operations Production Management,33(11/12), 1532-1554. Roy, S. K., Roy, S. (2013). Supply chain management: An overview.ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics Management Research,3(9), 90-95. Spekman, R. E. (2016). Strategic supplier selection: Understanding long-term buyer relationships.Business horizons,31(4), 75-81. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. InSupply chain management and advanced planning(pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Weisbach, D. A. (2014). Distributionally Weighted CostBenefit Analysis: Welfare Economics Meets Organizational Design.Journal of Legal Analysis, lau009.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Problem of Hell Essay Example

The Problem of Hell Essay The existence of a place for those who are corrupt and sinful, a place so full of misery and pain, a home to agony for all eternity is frightful for anyone to imagine. It has many names and connections with religions the most common name in Western Christian culture is Hell. For centuries, this abode of the damned has put fear into the hearts of Christians, keeping them aligned with the ethical and moral view of their faith. While Hell is a very real problem for many Christians, perhaps it is not what it seems to be. It is an entirely different plane of existence from that which is most commonly thought of: the usual fire and brimstone, the crackle of eternal fires and demons that tirelessly torture souls for the rest of time. Richard Swinburne, Stephen T. Davis and Marilyn McCord Adams all have written articles interpreting who it is who is exiled to Hell, and what exactly Hell is. I agree with them for the most part with who is sent there, but I think that Hell is something much different than the traditional view that Christians hold. In Stephen T. Davis essay Universalism, Hell and the Fate of the Ignorant, he argues that while Universalism, the belief that all will be rescued, is a good idea it is not plausible. He is himself a Separationist; one who believes some will eternally be away from God. In his essay he takes the argument of the Universalist (the idea that through the atonement of Jesus, every person who has ever lived will ultimately be saved), identifying the good points of it, and then gives his critique. Next he takes the point of the separatist stating his case for that belief. We will write a custom essay sample on The Problem of Hell specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Problem of Hell specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Problem of Hell specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He notes that God hates sin and sinners, and although this is plausible, it seems to be a contradiction of His eternal Love and Tolerance. It is also a common Christian belief that God hates the sin, but loves the sinner, and Davis seems to have missed this. But then Davis goes on to say the existence of Hell is a form of therapy to bring so called sinners closer to God through repentance and absolution. He thus says that the wrath of God is part of his overall strategy to bring the people back to Him. The Universalist believes that Hell is merely temporary, and will exist forever, for some have hardened their heart against God. This point is valid: some have had an incident or a tragedy that has turned them away from their faith, their God. Although Davis says God has, according to the Universalist, unlimited time and resources to bring these people back to Him; God will not force anyone into His Kingdom. He wants them to choose freely, and this is something that may cause a problem for some Christians their own free will. Davis makes a good argument for Universalism with the notion that true bliss in Heaven is difficult if a sanctified soul has a loved one in Hell. In Davis critique of Universalism, he notes that Separationists can also believe that God will save everyone. He also believes that Universalists misinterpret the texts, and that their view of Hell and its attachment to God and sin would cause the traditional outlook of salvation Christians have. Davis also notes that the interpretations are not viewed in the entirety of the scriptures and thus seem inconsistent with the testimony. Davis admits that he really likes the idea of total salvation for all, but cannot see the logical reasoning the Universalists have. Davis view on Hell is that it is a place where you are out of Gods light and love, separated from Him, but not totally, else it would not exist. Davis further explains that Hell is a place where the source of all joy, peace and love does not reach causing its inhabitants to be miserable and tormented. People are not sent to Hell, but rather, freely choose to live there out of Gods sight. God, in his infinite Love, allows Hell to exist for those who are ignorant of God so they will not be miserable in Heaven. Davis agrees that one can freely choose Hell over Heaven in they so wish. Hell, Davis explains, is consistent with Gods power and love, for He created Hell as a home for those who choose to ignore Him, and that is a showing of Love. Top address the philosophical points, Davis says that while God has the power to impose His will on humanity, he does not because then we would clearly be robotic with no free will. Some Christians believe that salvation is a matter of grace, in that we are all sinful but still God forgives us out of His love for us; we should be condemned, but are saved by this loving and merciful God. Davis makes a small mistake in his view of Separatism here, because this theory of Grace causes some inconsistencies in its line of belief. If an all-loving God cannot condemn us, then grace has no part of it either, and He is simply justly freeing us from an underserved punishment. He finally argues that while the Bible says that all go to God through Christ, it is not the final authority on all aspects of Christian belief and practice. It should be implied to take into account those born before Christ and those who have never encountered any form of Christianity. Davis makes many good points in his essay. His idea of Universalism is a good idea and allows for the chance of salvation in the end. Another good point is that Hell is a separation from God, and he explains that it is a place that people are miserable by being out of the reach of Gods love and light. His view that humanity has the free will to choose or reject God agrees with Christian teaching, however he thinks that Hell is merely an extension of Gods love. This would seem like an oxymoronic statement. Hell is an existence without God, and therefore cannot relate to Gods love whatsoever. Richard Swinburnes text Theodicy of Heaven and Hell discusses things in the context of the clearly good and the clearly bad (37). He makes reference to Catholicism in this paper, and says that to be admitted to Heaven one must have faith formed from a love of God. He also makes an interesting case for the people who were either born before Christianity or for those who have yet to hear Christs message. His point is that God should allow those who follow his ways and who live good lives into heaven whether they know Christs message or not. He further says that we do not choose our beliefs in the beginning, but outside influences force a change in them over time. This too may cause considerable stress on Christians who are looking, even if just for the sake of curiosity, at other religions and belief structures. He states that all those who seek truth be granted access to Heaven: whether they find truth or not is irrelevant. The attempt is all that is necessary. He poses the logical question of whether a loving and merciful God would share the bliss of Heaven with all, including the bad, or at least shape souls to become good and thereby gain admittance. The reality, it would seem, would be that a loving God would allow all into Heaven, but He would not shape a soul to do what He desires of them. This would take away mans free will, and a loving God would not do that. Swinburne tries to understand why a just God would seal a mans fate at his death, and so he makes a point to say that God does not do that. It would seem that he believes all souls can get to Heaven because God will not judge us. This would seem to be a contradiction to his earlier statement that only those who seek truth will enter Heaven. Christians may become confused by this and sense that they are going to Heaven no matter what, which is not what Swinburne is saying. He describes Heaven in placid terms that supreme happiness in Heaven is to know God, to have Him as your friend. This implies that God isnt your friend to begin with which seems absurd. He points out that Heaven is a home for good people, and not a reward for good actions. He also talks about mans free will, and that if God were to take that away, it would be detrimental to mans well-being and God cannot act in any contradictory way such as this. He makes an interesting comment that if God subjected sinners to an infinite amount of pain, physical and emotional, it would be inconsistent with His infinitely good nature. He really makes no mention of Hell within his essay, but more a guide to Heaven and its benefits. Swinburne does make references to Hell, but not to the circumstances which condemn a soul to damnation, nor to what it is actually like. This seems odd since he incessantly discusses Heaven. This article, while encouraging many to become better people, it fails to show that there is still a problem of a place where fear rules and chaos is as common as dew in the morning. In the article The Problem of Hell: A Problem of Evil for Christians, the author, Marilyn Adams presents her view that some people will be consigned forever to Hell, and that the Christians may be somewhat troubled by this theory. Nobody is safe, it would seem. Adams tackles the problem on two levels at the theoretical level, and the pragmatic level. She first discusses the logical impossibility of God and evil existing at the same time, but tells the readers of her essay that she will attempt to clarify the issue. According to many traditional theologians, she explains, Divine Sovereignty means that God has no bounds on whatever doctrine of salvation He has established. After all, He is Truth Himself! She further explains that God could negate our existence after death, that Hell is legislated as a temporary reform school for sinners to which they will afterwards be placed into an eternal Utopian environment (oxymoronic given that Utopia literally means no place in Latin). Adams explains that many Christians have a kind of free will defence. While God ultimately desires that all His children be saved, he has given man the ability to work out his own destinies for himself to be separate and yet one with God simultaneously. Damnation is not something God does to his creations, but rather something He allows to befall mankind for its actions. With regards to Divine Justice, she writes that God can, logically, never be unjust. Her reasoning follows from Anselms theory that God is not obligated to us in any way, since He is infinite in all aspects, and we are only finite. We are thus insignificant with regards to God. This is uncomforting given the thought that we may not have any value to Him. An interesting point of Adams is that because we are finite, we could not comprehend some things in their entirety. If we were to experience the agonies of Hell or the glorious bliss of Heaven for a finite period, we still could not understand the full extent of either plane. Adams makes mention of Anselms view that the severity of the sin is not only based on the actions of the individual, but also on the relationship that he has with God. Since God deserves nothing but worship, honour, respect and the like, any offence against Him is considered immeasurably indecent, and thus, infinitely offensive. Adams reply to this view is that fair to have consequences that greatly outweigh the offence of a created being. Human life all starts out helpless, weak and ignorant, and unable to make decisions. As a child grows, he constructs a view of the world and everything in it over time. His interaction with human nature and the environment forms as well. The habits we develop, she writes, become rooted in our personality like character traits or quirks, thus giving us individuality. These habits are acted out in an individuals life unintentionally, even though they could possibly cause suffering to themselves and to others before realizing it and attempting to make the arduous and emotionally painful change of spiritual reformation. Therefore, we are no more responsible at certain times in our lives (such as infancy) than children, and that God like a parent is the primary source of responsibility and He is culpable. This portrays God as an unfit parent one who is never available. This is a frightening thought. Another interpretation is that Hell is the consequence of human error. Adams makes a mention of Universalism. By removing the threat of Hell, people would lose their motivation to maintain their moral diligence. This is prevalent in modern society. The media and thus popular thought trivialize Hell and Satan, and sadly enough, God and Christ as well; the whole spiritual concept is foreign to a large portion of the population of the western world. These three authors seem to generally agree, and imply that while not everyone may go to Hell, still no one is truly good. To illustrate this point, Paul stated in Romans 3:10 and 3:13: And there is none righteous, no not one For all have sinned, and fall short of the Glory of God. It seems as if man has no choice but to wait and see what awaits him in the end. Davis and Adams present a conception of Hell while Swinburne avoids this issue. While the orthodox view is one of fire and brimstone, the Devil upon his throne of sulphur and skulls, and demons tormenting souls for eternity, this may seem somewhat excessive and a very Hollywood fabricated idea. It would seem more likely that Hell is simply living outside of the love of God, and that would be eternal sadness, and thus the fire and tormenting etc, may seem irrelevant. Anything we do here on earth affects our eternal standing with God, and those unjust and evil acts have adverse effects. Hell might be complete and utter darkness for all time with no feelings but those of agony, remorse, sadness and the likes. It is interesting to note that Dante, in his Divine Comedy presents Hell as icy cold: as far removed as possible from the source of all light and warmth. This is contrary to the conventional view of Hell, but it makes perfect sense. Satan eternally beats his bat-like wings in an attempt to free himself from the icy prison in which he is frozen, but the constant beating of his wings keeps the inner circle of Hell frozen. The ideas presented are not meant to trivialize and dumb down the idea of Satan and the brutality of Hell. Given Gods eternal love however to live without that love and joy would be punishment enough, and thus Hell.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Censorship Debate essay essays

Censorship Debate essay essays Censorship has been a large issue in the history of the United States for quite some time. Though this is the home of the free and land of the brave, how far does the freedom go? Current censorship completely holds back literary works that are made into Currently, 40 percent of the population opposes censorship. The other 60 percent of the population either do not care about censorship or promotes it. The entertainment industry is one of the largest parts of the countrys income, to shut it down would be tragic to the economy. Imagine what would happen if censorship did not have to be a part of the world. As of this day and age, entertainment comes from the most taboo parts of the censorship bureaus strict beliefs. Organizations such as the FCC and AMPA limit the people of the supposed free nation from what they can or cannot see and hear. Europe, mainly England, Germany, France and Russia, has seen a dramatic decrease in teen pregnancy and homicide since censorship does not exist in those countries. Teenagers and children have a fear of openness with their parents. Each day, a parents tells his/her child the truth about where babies come from. Each day, it becomes harder and harder for a parent to realize that the truth is harder to tell than some half baked story of storks and cabbage patches. In Europe, the children and teens have little or no discomfort when confronting parents with similar issues simply because sex and violence is shown on that miracle box in the living room. Motion Pictures have played a large part in the lives of millions of people for the past 70 years. More and more sex, violence and profanity market their way into movies. Fiction is the largest type of movie made and watched because of the entertaining and wild action and sexual scenes The United States has made some of the best movies that the world will ever see such as: Lethal W ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Praise and Regular Monitoring of Knowledge to Test Individual Progress Essay

Praise and Regular Monitoring of Knowledge to Test Individual Progress in Learning English - Essay Example The key differences between the earliest and subsequent linguistic learning are apparent. First language learning is a natural process that allows children to acquire and extend the linguistic comprehension of their environment. However, second language learning is a deliberate pursuit, in which mature individuals partake for many reasons. Moreover, children who learn their first language have a natural advantage. For instance, these children acquire their first language using their intuition through a Language Acquisition Device (LAD). Variably, mature individuals have no second chance of learning a language in a natural manner.Consequently, learning the first language is part of a child’s cognitive maturity, which enables the youngster to acquire syntax in an unconscious manner. However, by the time an individual seeks to learn a succeeding language, the individual learns the syntax in a conscious manner. Instead, they have to embrace extra unnatural techniques in order to a cquire competence in their second language. In addition, the first language facilitates the ability of its learners to focus on advanced levels of grammaticality in second language learning. Therefore, subsequent language learners have the ability to manipulate their understanding of grammar using the competency of their first language.Consequently, the dissimilarity between the two languages emanates from the fact that there is more time spent on learning the foremost language because children learn through constant imitation. The learning of a second language takes a shorter time because, during that time, the mature individual has exemplary mastery skills. Moreover, in the first language learning, there is guaranteed access to native speakers. Consequently, these native speakers influence the quick mastery of the language. There is no guarantee of native speakers in the learning of the second language. According to Towel and Hawkins, first language learning has close links with a child’s genetic setup while the second language has no such ties (92).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights Essay

The International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights - Essay Example With regard to the exercise of the cultural rights protected under article 27 [of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights], the Committee observes that culture manifests itself in many forms, including a particular way of life associated with the use of land resources, especially in the case of indigenous peoples. Discuss whether Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which New Zealand is a signatory, is effective in protecting the right of MAORI to enjoy Maori culture in New Zealand. Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights gives to the Maori culture the right to engage in fishing activities and it reiterates its obligations to ensure that these rights are recognized. The Fisheries Settlement has achieved this to a large extent in as much as it gave them the right to revenue through quota together with Maori participation in the Sealords deal in what may be called as the modern day embodiment of Maori claims to the commercial fishery. In this way, Maori exercises effective control in a company through their shareholding and their representatives on the Board of Directors and has placed them in an unprecedented position to expand their presence in the market through the acquisition of further quota and fishing assets as well as through diversification in international catching processing and marketing. Its implementation is ensured and protected by the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission and its companies as well as individual tribes. Apart from this, the Fisheries settlement has come a long way in protecting non-commercial fishing i.e. for customary food gathering and a successful attempt has been made to recognize the special relationship between Maori and places of importance for customary food gathering. It may be noted that the right of minorities under Article 27 is not unlimited. They are subject to reasonable regulation provided these measures have a reasonable and ob jective justification and are consistent with the other provision of the Covenant and most importantly do not result in a denial of right. In Re Mahuika V New Zealand, it was held by one of the committee members that as far as in relation to Article 27 of the Covenant, an overall settlement of fisheries claims is found to be compatible to Article 27 provided that the conditions of effective consultation and securing the sustainability of culturally significant forms of Maori fishing are met. The Human Rights Committee was of the view that there is no breach of any article of the Covenant. In pursuance of the protection of the rights of the Maoris under Article 27 of the Covenant, the State has ensured that through a tedious and complex process of consultation with the various Maori groups it has attempted to secure broad Maori support to a nationwide settlement and regulation of fishing activities. It was only when there was substantial Maori support that the Settlement was enacted. It would not be out of place to mention that the consultation process gave special attention to the cultural and religious significance of fishing for the Maori inter alia to securing the possibility of Maori individuals and communities to engage themselves in non-commercial fishing activities. In this way, the State has taken necessary steps to ensure that the Fisheries Settlement and its enactment through legislation including the Quota Management System are in line with article 27.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The impact of sexual abuse on a child and the child's family. Include Research Paper

The impact of sexual abuse on a child and the child's family. Include a discussion of appropriate treatment for the child and the child's family - Research Paper Example The use of a child in pornography videos is also regarded to as an abuse (2012). Towards the extreme end of the case, it involves sexual intercourse with the child with or without his or her consent. Therefore, child sexual abuse can be regarded as the act of coercing a child into sexual activities. There have been complications involved in dealing with this issue, since the child abuse has difficulties involved in solving, because of inadequate awareness of the things that constitute to the act of the abuse. There have been numerous initiatives, from the mental health and child protection professionals to reduce the problem since it is becoming common in the society. There have been very many cases of child sexual abuse both locally and internationally. This is an indication of the level of immorality in the society that is resulting to the insecurity to children in society. This is more accelerated by the use of drugs and exposure to other immoral materials like the pornographic materials that create the incentive of doing these things. Child sexual abuse results to an impact of there being no apparent effect to others that are very severe. There are those children who are involved in an abuse by family members with a high level of physical force (Wyatt and Mickey, 1987). This results to separation anxiety to posttraumatic stress disorder. Various effects result from the child from the act the sexual abuse includes fear. The child who is sexually abused often has a feeling that they have wronged someone and that they are subject to family rejection. Others have the fear of having to cause problems to the parents if they report the case due to the reaction of the parents. This is in terms of the parents doing something to the offender that would send them to jail. The child may also be afraid of the offender since they are likely to threaten the child in order for them not to report the case. The threats could be

Friday, November 15, 2019

Connection Of Biodiversity To International Relations Commerce Essay

Connection Of Biodiversity To International Relations Commerce Essay The connection between international relations and biodiversity can be linked to the evolution of both as globalization does too, which have brought among others, the increasing in international trade throughout last years. Its a fact that countries experience economic interdependence and that it is not equally shared; usually North developed countries demand raw materials or natural resources at low prices to produce goods, which later are going to be sell to southern or developing countries at higher prices; due to that southern countries are forced themselves to exploit their resources at the point that there is space for extinction rates and for biodiversity to decrease. The economic interdependence that countries are experiencing nowadays have caused high loss of biodiversity not only in flora, because of the high rates of deforestation, but also in fauna, as people even more are destroying habitats and exploiting at high levels the benefits that they could take from animals. All of that is part of an evidence to say that international relations and biodiversity are connected and also we can say that the first one can define the course of the last one; as international relations evolve, biodiversity may decrease. This is seem as a problem as international relations increase, globalization and international trade does too, and because of that, southern or commonly named developing countries which have around 20% of the worlds total biodiversity, have to exploit their natural resources, causing massive losses of species. Biodiversity is an important political issue because it depends on the relations among the most powerful economies in the world, which determines the levels of use or abuse on the natural resources available in the planet. Nowadays we are talking of interdependent capitalistic economies competing in the international arena, usually the most powerful developed countries influencing the decisions of not so developed ones. All of those changes in the worlds reality have generated changes in biodiversity too; the fact that specialization has increased as international trade does, developing countries have chosen to exploit their natural resources in order to supply developed countries the raw material they need for their manufactured goods. That in order to developing countries to expand their economies at any price, most of the times without having conscience of the consequences it might bring to the environment, even if they have that conscience, they doesnt have the economic resources to implement sustainable processes that let them exploit natural resources in a reasonable way, causing that way less extinctions or more losses on biodiversity. Reducing the rate of global biodiversity loss depends on the well management of the protected areas in the world, which represents only around the 10% of the worlds surface, which includes zones that were supposedly to be protected but in the daily use it result not be that way. The efforts of developing countries to conserve this zones usually seem to be compromise because of the bad manage they give to the financial aid, that they receive from some developed countries. Its common to find that those financial aids even if they represent some regulations and commitments, are often used in other issues or even fall in hands of corruption which in common in those developing countries. The problem for developed countries to create that kind of zones is that usually they dont have the space or they dont have the flora and fauna to protect. The issue from all of the above if that the protection from excessive use is not feasible as those natural resources represent an important part of th e countrys economy. So the solution is to use biodiversity but in a moderate way, creating protected areas and providing other options for local users. Some effective policies of protection for those areas dont need many economic resources, its enough to increase the surveillance and enforcing rules on those protected areas. But often that enforcement is not enough because the local users usually dont know where the limits are and the penalties they would receive for breaking the rules. One important element that can be useful is to create local conscience and also adapting local constituency and effective enforcement. Susanne Kleeman says in her article voices for biodiversity management in the 21st century that biodiversity management pays inadequate attention to the importance of governing institution, even if they are rules. Laws and policies are more likely to promote sustainable use and conservation of resources with the incorporation of institutions. Three factors are important for a successful conservation program: incorporating local values, ensuring consistency or rules and maintaining adequate enforcement. Due to the process of globalization, extinction rates are increasing worldwide because global warming and other human caused events; which is a reflection of the massive damage of the political and economic system has been causing. Many countries in the world promote free trade and globalization without taking care of the consequences or environmental effects, but without sustainable development policies; if it still going that way extensive trade and all that it brings into a country is going to end with all of the natural resources. In order to contribute to solve some of the environmental problems caused by international relations theres a need to create a new multilateral diplomacy because, as said by Hill, J in his article A new diplomacy for sustainable development; the challenge of global change, the environmental problems and the plans for their mitigations transcend political boundaries. So that way, countries can get into negotiations to integrate long-term perspectives in international policy more in a diplomatic environment that concerns about sustainability, cooperation and threats to the environment. This new way of diplomacy has already begun, first with the UN conference on the human environment in Stockholm in 1972, the with the Rio-Johannesburg process in 2002 and annual meetings and summits that have been realized to creating conscience and finding for solutions for more environmental friendly processes that can contribute with the global warming, which is a long term threat. Another important international actor additional to the multilateral diplomacy, are NGOs that have proven to be a very important actor when dealing with issues that have no frontiers such as environmental and biodiversity issues. Thats one of the most important reasons why NGOs must work together on redesigning the world order and put biodiversity and natural resources as hot topics on the international agenda and also in the political agenda of each country. Many international forums are opened for discussing biodiversity, in which the actors are competing to define priorities and choose the best tools for management of genetic resources, which nowadays have been one of the most important inputs of world economies because those are the raw materials of biotechnology companies. Two international agreements have emerged because of the lack of environmental regulations that is causing the extinction of those resources: the TRIPS and CBD convention on biological diversity. As coban said in his caught between state sovereign rights and properly rights: regulating biodiversity Both consider the problem of regulating to biological resources as an issue related to the capitalist relations but the difference is that the second one is a convention that seeks to protect the environment affirming that biological diversity is subject of national sovereignty, while the former one regulates biotechnology patents worldwide. The TRIPS states that intellectual property rights of corporations over genetic or biological resources are complementary in the process of capital accumulation, while CBD has been an effective awareness-raising tool. The CBD was adopted in 1992 during the Rio Summit and it recognizes the need to take action in the environmental issues, integrating the principles of equity and ethics in the use of biodiversity and also establishes that biological diversity is subject to national sovereignty; this convention has been ratified in 177 states and start its activities in 1993, focusing on the genetic resources and the access to them, technology transfers, financing of conservation policies and trade in genetically modifies organisms. One of the most important contributions of this convention is the fact that poor countries cant commit to preserve biodiversity unless developed ones provide them with technologies and financial aid, due to the use of processes that reduce abuses into the environment. This financial aid has been declining, and the international institutions and organizations that promote the protection of biodiversity has not proven to be an effective regulative framework. Nowadays international agreements are not the only involved, the private sector somehow seem to be more in favor of that sustainable development. International business coalitions also play a role in interactions between environmental regulations and private sector interests. Mainly there are 2 coalitions directly related to environmental issues, the international chamber of commerce and the global industry coalition. The former deals with biodiversity governance and environmental policies, and the latter have to do with biosafety negotiations; both of them have space in the international arena and the power to help biodiversity abuses to diminish at the international level. For international treaties and policies to work correctly, there has to be a support at the national level. Local governments have to share and implement the ideas that international treaties, policies, conventions, NGOs and other actors promote. As stated by Susanne Kleeman, biodiversity governance needs to be adapted to local conditions but aligned with global, regional and national frameworks and it calls for vertical linkages adapted to local conditions. The national government has to agree with the international politics in order to create some consistency and to share the same objectives. In conclusion, biodiversity and international relations have important connections because as more capitalistic becomes the world, natural resources are going to be exploited at much in order to satisfy the needs of trade of the developed countries. And in the other hand in order to survive economically and improve their status and living standards, developing countries would still abuse of the biodiversity with the objective of selling raw materials for the production of manufactured goods. If good conservation policies and treaties are not implemented, much of the diversity and natural resources we have probably will disappear, and after that theres not much to do. Finally unless environmental issues become central part in the international agenda, the world will suffer dramatic changes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Capital Punishment - The View of International and National Courts :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Capital Punishment and International and National Courts    Around the world we travel in this paper, which reviews the attitude of courts worldwide regarding the death penalty.    By way of international courts, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC), in a judgement which may have far-reaching consequences on death penalty cases in the English-speaking Caribbean, commuted the death sentences of six convicted prisoners in Jamaica on 12 September. The JCPC which serves as the final appeal court for English-speaking Caribbean countries such as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and the Bahamas, ruled that it is unlawful to execute prisoners whose appeals are pending before international bodies such as the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights and the UN Human Rights Committee.    The JCPC also ruled that the Jamaican Privy Council (Mercy Committee) when considering whether to exercise the prerogative of mercy, must provide prisoners with an effective and adequate opportunity to participate in the mercy process, including notification of the date on which the Mercy Committee will consider the case and the opportunity to make informed representations to the Committee and to challenge any inaccurate information before it. This judgement overrules previous decisions of the JCPC and other Caribbean courts, including the 1996 decision from the Bahamas, in which the JCPC had held that a condemned prisoner had no rights before the Mercy Committee.    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) held public hearings in the LaGrand case (Germany v the USA) from 13 - 17 November in The Hague. For the first time in its history, the ICJ has been asked to determine what remedies are required under international law when arrested foreign nationals are not informed of their consular rights and are then sentenced to death.    German nationals Karl and Walter LaGrand were sentenced to death in Arizona, USA, for killing a bank manager during a robbery in 1982. Although the local authorities were aware of their nationality, the two brothers were arrested, tried and sentenced to death without being advised of their right to consular notification and assistance, as required under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Germany maintains that the treaty violation contributed to the death sentences by preventing consular assistance in the gathering of mitigating evidence for presentation at the sentencing stage of the trial. German consular officers only became aware of the case 10 years after the trial when they were contacted by the LaGrands, who had finally learned of their right to consular assistance, not from the Arizona authorities but from other prison inmates.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Perfect Wife

Jose L. Alvarado English 61 K, Dahi June 22, 2009 The Perfect Wife My wife would have to take care of the children when I’m not around. I don’t have children right now, but I’m planning on having two kids. That’s why I would want that characteristic on my wife. Being faithful to your partner is a major role on a relationship especially if you’re planning on marring him or her. Not cheating on your wife or husband is going to bring trust to one another. Another characteristic I want my wife to have is a good sense of humor. Someone I could share jokes with and will laugh along with me instead of at me. People say laughter is the best thing in life and I agree. A relationship without laughter would be boring and pointless. Now the most important characteristic I want on my wife would be for her to be well educated and attractive. I want a wife I could hold a good conversation about the most random thing and for it to be interesting or at least for her to be smarter than me. Being attractive is very important to me because I have noticed that attractive people seem to be more successful in life, they’re the ones that get promotions or invitations to the bosses house for dinner. Those are some of the characteristics I would want on my wife. Some of the characteristics I believe my wife would want from me would be to get along with her family and relatives. She would want this because families stick together and since I’m going to be part of the family I would have to get along with them. Probably the most important characteristic my wife would want from me would be to be reasonable with the work that needs to be done around the house. Do everything in a 5050 basis. My wife wouldn’t like to be the only one that has to mop, wash dishes, dust off the cabinets and clean the restroom. We would have to share those chores. My wife would also want to have the same religious beliefs, because I know how much a girl cares about getting married by the church with a white dress. The girls plan the weeding even before they’re engage. I know for a fact my wife is going to want me to be economically stable. She would want this because in case of an emergency I would have to come out and pay the bills. The characteristics both my wife and I would have in common would be for us to be gentlemen or lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets. I think matrimony in order to work there must be chemistry in bed. I find it hard to believe that some people wait till they are married to have sex due to their religion. Another characteristic we would have in common would be the foods we eat. My wife or I wouldn’t like to cook two totally different plates everyday for the rest of our lives. The same taste of music would be one characteristic because how would we be able to dance to music we don’t like. It would be like living a lie. Overall I think looks, personality and money will make a wife or husband likeable. Those would be the top three characteristics a man or woman looks for in a partner. Like I said before no one in this world is perfect, so for them guys and girls waiting for the perfect spouse all I got to say is good luck.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Historical and Modern Terrorist Groups by Type

Historical and Modern Terrorist Groups by Type While there is no universally agreed-upon or legally binding definition of a terrorist act, the U.S. gives it a good try in Title 22 Chapter 38 U.S. Code  § 2656f, by defining  terrorism as an act of premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.  Or, in brief, the use of violence or threat of violence in the pursuit of political, religious, ideological, or social objectives. What we do know is that terrorism is nothing new. Even a cursory glance over the centuries reveals a startling list of groups for whom some form of violence is justified to  achieve  social, political, and religious change. Terrorism in Early History Most of us think of terrorism as a modern phenomenon. After all, many of the terrorist groups listed below rely or have relied on the mass media to spread their message through non-stop coverage. However, there are some pre-modern groups who used terror to achieve their ends, and who are often considered precursors to modern terrorists. For instance, the Sicarii, organized in the first century in Judea to protest Roman rule or the Thugee cult of assassins in ancient India who wreaked havoc and destruction in the name of Kali. Socialist/Communist Many groups committed to socialist revolution or the establishment of socialist or communist states arose in the last half of the 20th century, and many are now defunct. The most prominent included: Baader-Meinhof Group  (Germany; renamed Red Army Faction but defunct as of 1998)  Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)Red Brigades (Italy)Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)Shining Path (Peru)Weather Underground Organization (United States) National Liberation National liberation is historically among the most potent reasons that extremist groups turn to violence to achieve their aims. There are many of these groups, but they have included: ETA (Basque)Fatah (PLO) (Palestinian)Irgun (Zionist)IRA (Irish)(Kurdish)Tamil Tigers (Sri Lankan Tamils) Religious-Political There has been a rise in religiosity globally since the 1970s and, with it, a rise in what many analysts call religious terrorism. It would be more accurate to call groups such as Al Qaeda religious-political, or religious-nationalist. We call them religious because they use a religious idiom and shape their mandate in divine terms. Their goals, however, are political: recognition, power, territory, concessions from states, and the like. Historically, such groups have included: Al Qaeda (transnational, Islamist)Aum Shinrikyo (renamed Aleph; Japanese, with various influences, including Hindu and Buddhist)Ku Klux Klan (U.S.,  Christian)Abu Sayyaf  (Philippines,  Islamist)Egyptian Islamic JihadHamas (Palestinian,  Islamist) (Hamas is designated by the U.S. and other governments as a terrorist group, but it is also the elected government of the Palestinian Authority)Hezbollah (Hezbollah is designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. and other governments, but others argue it should be considered a movement, rather than a terrorist group) State Terrorism Most states and transnational organizations (like the United Nations) define terrorists as non-state actors. This is often a highly contentious issue, and there are long-standing debates in the international sphere over a few states in particular. For instance, Iran and other Islamic states have long accused Israel of supporting terrorist acts in the surrounding settlements, Gaza, and elsewhere. Israel, on the other hand, contends it is fighting for its right to exist free of terror.  There are some states or state actions in history over which theres no dispute, though, such as in Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Animal Farm 7 essays

Animal Farm 7 essays A literary work that has greatly influenced my life would be the work of George Orwells Animal Farm. Orwell once classified the book as a fairy story but it is to many other things to be simply classified so casually. It has been described as a fable, a political analysis, an allegorical lesson, but more importantly a satire on humane folly. Derived from his actual experiences with Soviet communism, Animal Farm delivers a strong message about the effects of power and superiority on the human conscience that can be applied not only to the status quo of Orwells time, but it serves as an astoundingly accurate depiction of many events over the course of history. For example it is a common Marxist theory that the ruling class would be overthrown by a lower class which would in turn become the new ruling class. The new ruling class would eventually be overthrown by the newly formed lower class, and so on. This a perfect example of what Orwell demonstrated in Animal Farm. He reminds us that it is easy forget to be compassionate when you shift from the oppressed to the oppressor because of the deceptiveness of power. One could even go as far as to apply this situation to the American Revolution. Once freed from tyranny of Britain, many of the states wasted no time in abusing there power with taxes and laws. More importantly, however, was the mistreatment of minorities. Slaves, Native Americans, and women were oppressed under under the statement that all men are created equal.. And even today you find the struggle for dominance: one party so convinced that their principles are better for the country than another. You cannot possibly have the best interest of the country in mind when you generalize the opinion of every citizen in the country or are naive enough to believe that you know how to run the lives of the people better than the people do. When representatives of the people become representative...

Monday, November 4, 2019

South West Airlines Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

South West Airlines - Case Study Example The aim of this report is to analyze the operations and practices of Southwest Airlines. In the first section of the report, the SWOT analysis has been done to highlight the major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by Southwest Airlines. After identifying the critical factors, in the second section, the conclusion about the overall situation has been presented. In the same section, the suggestions for improving the company’s strategies have been presented, after analyzing the current strategies of the company through theoretical concepts including Porter’s Five Forces Model and Ansoff Model. In the following section, Human Resource practices of Southwest Airlines have been discussed with a special focus towards the policies which have been created for the benefits of employees. After that an analysis has been done to identify the impact of the practices on the business strategy of Southwest Airlines. Since, Southwest Airlines is recognized for its customer services and culture therefore, in this section, I will also analyze how staff and management of the company are becoming as a prime source of competitive advantage for the company. The Southwest Airline is one of the successful low cost carriers in the United States and most of low cost carriers of the world have adopted the strategies of the company. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of Southwest Airline business model, another successful low cost airline company will be selected. In this section, the similarities and dissimilarities between the United States and Australian aviation industries will be done. Finally, the similarities and dissimilarities between the business models of the two airline companies will be also conducted. Southwest Airline is operating in a highly uncertain industry where the demand of the tickets fluctuates very randomly. In the following section, the SWOT analysis has been done to identify the major strengths and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Internet Technology, Marketing and Security Research Paper

Internet Technology, Marketing and Security - Research Paper Example As a result, businesses have implemented the use of social media technology and application to communicate marketing messages and images to their consumers who have ready access to the communication media (Castronovo & Lei, 2012). Nonetheless, it is notable that many parts of the developed world has not adequately achieved access to computer systems and the internet (Chung & Austria, 2010) as a result of this, the application of social media is largely a phenomenon and concept of the urban community within developing economies because of access to technological infrastructure (Furlow, 2012). The marketing messages which are communicated via social media are passed from one individual to another rather than directly from the company or organization. Therefore, the users of social media in their evaluation of products and services act as a third parties and hence objective and credible sources of information (Lipsman, Mud, Rich & Bruich, 2012). Therefore social media is popularly being applied by business in marketing communication because of the authenticity and credibility that is associated with this form of communication (Castronovo & Lei, 2012). On the other hand, the application of social media in marketing communication has been criticized on the basis that it is informal and less reliable source of marketing communication about products and services (Hill & Moran, 2011). Additionally, it is argued that social media is only popular among specific segments of the market such as the young people (Lipsman, Mud, Rich & Bruich, 2012). This means that some segments of the market are not reached in social media marketing. Because of this, social media... As the essay declares  the popularity of social media as a marketing tool is argued to be a result of the advancement in information and communication technology. The contemporary society is increasingly utilizing technology and particularly the internet for communication and networking. With the advent of social media sites and platforms, the application of technology by individuals, businesses, agencies, organizations and companies has increased gradually.This discussion highlights that  the marketing messages which are communicated via social media are passed from one individual to another rather than directly from the company or organization. Therefore, the users of social media in their evaluation of products and services act as a third parties and hence objective and credible sources of information. Therefore social media is popularly being applied by business in marketing communication because of the authenticity and credibility that is associated with this form of communi cation. On the other hand, the application of social media in marketing communication has been criticized on the basis that it is informal and less reliable source of marketing communication about products and services.  The application of social media platforms in marketing is said to be the most effective way of reaching a large number of audience at no cost. Facebook and Twitter have registered billions of users within their accounts.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Find solution and essay(Easy work) Research Paper

Find solution and essay(Easy work) - Research Paper Example From the lists of tables provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Table 2.1 shows the Personal Income and its Disposition (, 1). Nominal personal income for the first quarter of 2011 is $12,980 billion while nominal disposable income is $11,711.6 billion after deducting nominal or current personal taxes of $1,268.4 billion. Nominal personal consumption or personal consumption expenditures comprise the largest part of the personal outlays as it amounted to $10, 683.8 billion. The nominal personal savings or the amount left from the disposable income after deduction of the personal outlays is $663.6 billion. Marginal propensity to save or MPS is the increase in savings per unit increase in income. It is computed by dividing the change in savings by the change in income. From the same table, Table 2.1, savings increased from $640 billion in the last quarter of 2010 to $663.6 billion in the first quarter in 2011. This means that savings increased by $23.6 billion. On the other hand, personal income also increased from $12,724 billion in the last quarter of 2010 to $12,980 billion in the first quarter of 2011. After subtracting the two amounts, there was a $256 billion increase in the personal income. From the formula, MPS = change in savings / change in income, MPS is equal to 0.09. Marginal propensity to consume or MPC is the increase in consumption spending per unit increase in income. It is computed by dividing the change in consumption expenditures by the change in income. And based from Table 2.1, personal consumption expenditure in the last quarter of 2010 was $10,513.6 and $10,683.8 in the first quarter of 2011. So, a $170.2 billion increase in personal consumption expenditure was computed. Following the formula, MPC = change in consumption/ change in income, MPC is equal to 0 .66. However, if MPS and MPC will be computed using income after deduction of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Experience and other evidence Essay Example for Free

Experience and other evidence Essay Job stress and low pay is a complaint and common reason that people cite for quitting a particular job or changing professions altogether. Low pay simply is a matter of not being able to meet the cost of living for one’s self and family with take home pay. Job stress speaks to the actual work conditions and requirements, and the actual stressors change with each profession. When job stress and low pay occur together, people are likely to leave an entire profession, never to return. In our country teachers are face numerous stressing factors not only unruly students in the classroom, but also inadequate teaching resources, lack of administrative support, and low morale among their fellow teachers. As a result teachers are leaving their classrooms and abandoning the teaching profession, due to the combination of on the job stress factors coupled with low and inadequate pay. In April 2007 Cal State University Teacher Quality Institute conducted a study that reveals the reasons that many teachers are leaving the teaching profession. Some of the top reasons cited by the 1,900 teachers surveyed include poor working conditions, lac of authority to make classroom decisions, and low pay. Some also cited lack of text books and supplies, and the obsession with tests and test preparation. The study, which focused on teachers in California, found that 20% leave within the first four years and the up to 10% leave after just one year teaching in high schools in higher poverty areas. (Dang 2007) In general half of teachers who left their jobs cited simple frustration. The frustrating factors they cited included low support from the school district, an unsupportive principal, and low teacher morale. Low or inadequate pay is high on the list because teachers, particularly new ones, have a hard time meeting the cost of living on a teacher’s salary. The study finds that some teachers would not even accept more pay to return and endure the multitude of stressing factors or poor working conditions they find themselves in.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay -- Embryo Embryonic Stem

Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research Scientific research has the ability to help the terminally ill and disabled. Some people find this research is morally wrong. If this research helps people with disease and disability would you condone it? Today in The United States there is controversy facing embryonic stem cell research.People are dying because of the legal and moral obstacles involved in embryonic stem cell research. American citizens with illnesses and disease could be treated if this research was to continue at a much faster pace. With federal funding scientists believe they will be able to have more success with embryonic stem cell research. Humans are suffering from serious illnesses every day and these restrictions are putting a hold on maybe one day finding a cure. Embryonic stem cell research is experimental research that uses aborted fetuses and embryos to help cure certain illnesses and diseases. Embryonic stem cells are cells taken from aborted embryos. Embryonic stem cells are very different than any other cells in the body. These embryonic stem cells are considered blank cells. This means that embryonic stem cells can be programmed to be almost any kind of cell, tissue, or organ in the body. â€Å"Stem cells have three general properties: they are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods; they are unspecialized; and they can give rise to specialized cell types. Embryonic stem cells are primitive (undifferentiated) cells from the embryo that have the potential to become a wide variety of specialized cell types,† states The National Institute of Health. In other words, embryonic stem cells are the most versatile cells in the body. They are able to take on ... ...ent’s Council on Bioethics. The statement made by that ethics within the law are holding back future of embryonic stem cell research. The Solution The problem here is basic. Embryonic stem cell research holds the key to a wide variety of medical advances. This research being very controversial because of morals is highly regulated and poorly funded. There are many different solutions can be proposed in favor of embryonic stem cell research. 1. Vote for more liberal governemnt officals in favor of the research. 2. Educate and inform the people around you about the benefits of stem cell research. 3. Donate money to nonprofit organizations such as "The Stem Cell Research Foundation". These donations can be written of your income tax returns. Donations would help speed up the research process and eventually start the healing process.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mary Anne Warrens The Abortion Issue Essay -- Abortion Issue Mary War

Mary Anne Warren’s â€Å"The Abortion Issue† In Mary Anne Warren’s â€Å"The Abortion Issue,† children are not persons in the empirical sense. Warren believes that prior to a certain point in a pregnancy, the child does not have â€Å"the capacity to understand† the ramifications of what an abortion would be, therefore the abortion does not infringe upon the rights of the unborn fetus. She states that: â€Å"†¦in the ways that matter from a moral point of view, human fetuses are very unlike human persons, particularly in their early months of development†(152). In essence, personhood as defined by Warren can only come after the first trimester. Before that time, the fetus does not have the sentience that would make it a person. Warren’s main criteria for what makes a person will be considered first, then we will move on to her argument on sentience, and the differences she notes between a fetus and an infant. As she states in her paper, there are five main categories that empirically place something as a person. They include sentience, or conscious behavior, such as awareness of our surroundings, rationality: the ability to respond according to what affects us, self-concept: the ability to understand what we are, self-motivated behavior: the planning and carrying out of our own beliefs and thoughts beyond how we are externally affected, and linguistic capacity, or the use of a system to convey messages. Warren does not raise the answers to already obvious arguments when considering these ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Identifying the Genetic Material

Frederick Griffith, a bacteriologist, was trying to prepare a vaccine against the pneumonia-causing bacterium, S. pneumoniae. A vaccine is a substance that is prepared from killed or weakened microorganisms and is introduced into the body to protect the body against future infections by the microorganisms. Griffin worked with 2 types, or strains of S. Pneumonia. The first strain is enclosed in a capsule made of polysaccharides. The capsule protects the bacterium from the body's defense systems; this helps make the microorganisms virulent, or able to cause disease. Because of the capsule, this strain of S. Pneumonia grows as smooth-edged (S) colonies when grown in a Petri dish. The second strain of S. Pneumonia lacks the polysaccharide capsule and does not cause disease. When grown in a Petri dish, the second strain forms rough-edged R colonies Griffith knew that mice infected with the S bacteria grew sick, and died, while mice infected with the R bacteria were not harmed. To determine whether the capsule on the S bacteria were causing the mice to die, Griffith injected the mice with dead S bacteria. The mice remained healthy. Griffith then prepared a vaccine of weakened S bacteria by raising their temperature to a point at which the bacteria were â€Å"heat-killed† meaning that they could no longer reproduce ( the capsule remained on the bacteria). When Griffith injected the mice with heat-killed S bacteria, the mice still lived. Thus, Griffith knew it was not the capsule on the S bacteria that killed the mice. He then mixed the harmless live R bacteria with the harmless heat killed S bacteria. Mice injected with this mixture of previously harmless preparations died. When Griffith examined the blood of the dead mice, he found that the live R bacteria had required polysaccharide capsules. Somehow, the harmless R bacteria had changed and became virulent S bacteria. Griffith had discovered what is now called transformation, a change in phenotype caused when bacterial cells take up foreign genetic material. But the cause of the transformation was not known at the time. Avery's experiments An elegant series of experiments showed that the activity of the material esponsible for transformation was not affected by protein-destroying enzymes, but the activity was stopped by a DNA- destroying enzyme. In this way, almost 100 years after Mendel's experiments were performed, Oswald Avery and his co-workers, biologists at the Rockefeller Institute, in NYC, demonstrated that DNA is the material responsible for transformation. DNA had the instructions for the making of the capsule in the S strain of S. Pneumonia. III. Hershey and Chase Show that Virus Genes Are Made of DNA. Scientists knew that proteins were important to many aspects of cell structure and metabolism, so most of them suspected that proteins were the genetic material. They also knew very little about DNA, so they could not imagine how DNA could carry genetic information. A. Viruses reveal DNA's role Alfred Hershey, and Martha Chase, performed an experiment that settled the controversy. It was known at the time that viruses, which were much simpler then cells, are made of DNA ( or sometimes RNA) surrounded by a protective protein coat. Bacteriophage, also referred to as phage are viruses that infect bacteria. It was also known that when phage are able to produce more viruses, which are released when the bacterial cells rupture. Hershey and Chase knew that the only molecule in the phage that contained phosphorus was its DNA. Likewise, the only phage molecules that contained sulfur were the proteins in it coat. Hershey and Chase used these differences in chemical composition to carry out the experiment. Steps T2 phages were grown with E. coli bacteria in a nutrient medium containing either 35S or 32P E. oli were infected with either 35S- or 32P- labeled phages. The infected E. coli were mixed and then spun. Each layer was tested for radioactivity. The 35S label was found only in the upper layer containing the virus's parts. The 32P label was found mostly in the lower layer containing the E. coli. Upon infection, the phages protein coat falls away. They inject their DNA into the E. coli, causing the E. coli to make more viral DNA and proteins. These important experiments, and many others since, have shown that DNA is the molecule that stores genetic information in living cells.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hitlers Appeal essays

Hitlers Appeal essays The unemployment in Germany from 1928 to 1932 was devastating to the nations economy. Reasons are varied but all are contributing factors. Unemployment soared, it grew 3 1/2 times in just five years. The treaty of Versailles was to blame, as it took away much land, where many natural resources were obtained. Also was the disarmament, which caused much job cuts, as no more weapons were being made. The Jewish were blamed for the bankruptcies and inflation because they were in charge of many financial institutions. Hitler proclaimed that they somehow tampered with the banking system to promote their own financial needs. All allegations were false; they were only used to help Hitler in his political race to rule the country, and eventually the world. Hitler made these speeches to make German residents think that all the other countries blamed them and their allies for the war. Hitler made their country sound strong, but also capable of doing a lot because of the quarantine imposed on them. Germans were gaining a false sense of pride and hope for the future from Hitler. Germans were feeling anger towards the nations forcing the treaty of Versailles against them because of many things. One, Loss of German territory, overseas and much of their own connected land. Payments of reparations were severe, especially because of their economic state of depression. Germany was also ordered disarmament, which only lowered their defense and decreased employment. Germany and their Allies were blamed for the war, even though Germany was under a new government, their old leaders also took responsibility for all losses. Their old national leaders and their allies, who were overthrown, signed the treaty. The new government had to assume responsibility. Citizens of Germany seemed to love Hitler; he represented hope for a new country, a strong country. A country whose power would be dominant over all other countries. Here was a man who could brin ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gorgo - Queen of Sparta

Gorgo - Queen of Sparta Gorgo was the only daughter of King Cleomenes I of Sparta (520-490). She was also his heir. Sparta had a pair of hereditary kings. One of the two ruling families was the Agiad. This was the family to which Gorgo belonged. Cleomenes may have committed suicide and is considered unstable, but he helped Sparta achieve prominence beyond the Peloponnese. Sparta may have given rights to women that were rare among the Hellenes, but being heir didnt mean Gorgo could be Cleomenes successor. Herodotus, in 5.48, names Gorgo as Cleomenes heir: In this manner Dorieos ended his life: but if he had endured to be a subject of Cleomenes and had remained in Sparta, he would have been king of Lacedemon; for Cleomenes reigned no very long time, and died leaving no son to succeed him but a daughter only, whose name was Gorgo. When King Cleomenes, his successor was his half-brother Leonidas. Gorgo had married him in the late 490s when she was in her late teens.Gorgo was the mother of another Agiad king, Pleistarchus.Importance of Gorgo Being an heir or patrouchas would have made Gorgo noteworthy, but Herodotus shows that she was also a wise young woman. Wisdom of Gorgo Gorgo warned her father against a foreign diplomat, Aristagoras of Miletus, who was trying to persuade Cleomenes to support an Ionian revolt against the Persians. When words failed, he offered a large bribe. Gorgo warned her father to send Aristagoras away lest he corrupts him. Cleomenes accordingly having so said went away to his house: but Aristagoras took the suppliants branch and went to the house of Cleomenes; and having entered in as a suppliant, he bade Cleomenes send away the child and listen to him; for the daughter of Cleomenes was standing by him, whose name was Gorgo, and this as it chanced was his only child, being of the age now of eight or nine years. Cleomenes however bade him say that which he desired to say, and not to stop on account of the child. Then Aristagoras proceeded to promise him money, beginning with ten talents, if he would accomplish for him that for which he was asking; and when Cleomenes refused, Aristagoras went on increasing the sums of money offered, until at last he had promised fifty talents, and at that moment the child cried out: Father, the stranger will do thee hurt,[38] if thou do not leave him and go. Cleomenes, then, pleased by the counsel of the child, departed into another room, and Aristagoras went away from S parta altogether, and had no opportunity of explaining any further about the way up from the sea to the residence of the king.Herodotus 5.51 The most impressive feat ascribed to Gorgo was understanding that there was a secret message and locating it beneath a blank wax tablet. The message warned the Spartans of an imminent threat posed by the Persians. I will return now to that point of my narrative where it remained unfinished. The Lacedemonians had been informed before all others that the king was preparing an expedition against Hellas; and thus it happened that they sent to the Oracle at Delphi, where that reply was given them which I reported shortly before this. And they got this information in a strange manner; for Demaratos the son of Ariston after he had fled for refuge to the Medes was not friendly to the Lacedemonians, as I am of opinion and as likelihood suggests supporting my opinion; but it is open to any man to make conjecture whether he did this thing which follows in a friendly spirit or in malicious triumph over them. When Xerxes had resolved to make a campaign against Hellas, Demaratos, being in Susa and having been informed of this, had a desire to report it to the Lacedemonians. Now in no other way was he able to signify it, for there was danger that he should be discovered, but he contrived thus, that is to say , he took a folding tablet and scraped off the wax which was upon it, and then he wrote the design of the king upon the wood of the tablet, and having done so he melted the wax and poured it over the writing, so that the tablet (being carried without writing upon it) might not cause any trouble to be given by the keepers of the road. Then when it had arrived at Lacedemon, the Lacedemonians were not able to make conjecture of the matter; until at last, as I am informed, Gorgo, the daughter of Cleomenes and wife of Leonidas, suggested a plan of which she had herself thought, bidding them scrape the wax and they would find writing upon the wood; and doing as she said they found the writing and read it, and after that they sent notice to the other Hellenes. These things are said to have come to pass in this manner.Herodotus 7.239ff Source: Carledge, Paul, The Spartans. New York: 2003. Vintage Books. More on Sparta Greek Hoplite SoldierSpartiateCynisca of SpartaLeonidas King of SpartaCleomenes I King of SpartaSparta and SamosSpartas Rise to PowerLycurgus of SpartaKrypteia The Mythological Gorgo There is an earlier Gorgo, one in Greek mythology, mentioned in both the Iliad and Odyssey, Hesiod, Pindar, Euripides, Vergil, and Ovid, and other ancient sources. This Gorgo, alone or with her siblings, in the Underworld or Libya, or elsewhere, is associated with the snake-tressed, powerful, frightening Medusa, who is the only mortal among the Gorgones.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Paper Proposal Research

Paper Proposal Research Paper Proposal Research Paper Proposal Research: Think before Writing Writing of a paper proposal is the first step you should take before getting down to your paper project. You may wonder whether it is really necessary to write this paper proposal. Yes, it is! But it should be noticed that many students do not understand why they have to write any additional papers except their assignment paper. So, lets explain you the issue. Actually, you support your prospective paper project by writing a paper proposal. You should convince your audience that the topic your have chosen is actual. Besides, you should prove that it is not studied completely; that is why your investigation is worth making. Thus, you see that the success of your paper project depends on a paper proposal considerably. That is why you should think over your paper proposal well and make a kind of paper proposal research. That means that you should think over what points you will highlight in your paper proposal and in what way you will put them. Paper Proposal Research Writing Steps Speaking about the paper proposal research one can point out the following steps you should take to write a convincing paper proposal: Topic. It is obvious that any paper proposal research should begin with studying of the topic you are going to write your paper project on. What kind of study should it be? You should answer the following questions:What are the matter points of the topic? Is the chosen topic actual? Who investigated it before? Of course, you should also provide the background information in your paper proposal. So, you should study informational materials on the topic properly. Literature. You should review informational sources that your paper will be based on. State works of researchers who investigated the issue. This part of your paper proposal research should prove that, firstly, your project has the solid basis and, secondly, you have already studied some information on the topic. Research question. What ex actly are you going to study? You should determine a point of the topic that is the most interesting for you and state it in your paper proposal. Methodology. In what way are you going to make your investigation? You should determine what methods you will apply in your study. Forecasts. How can you catch the interest of your audience? Of course, by making some predictions. So, what results of your study do you expect? Giving some forecasts at the end of your paper proposal will make it intriguing. Paper Proposal Research: Get Help! Thus, these are the main steps of the paper proposal research that will help you write a good paper proposal. If you have any difficulties with your paper project proposal writing, you may look for help in any paper project proposal sample placed in the Internet or contact us! We guarantee you professional help!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Importance of communication in CT scan unit Essay

Importance of communication in CT scan unit - Essay Example Communication helps patients ask questions and gives CT technologists the platform to explain the procedure to them and their families while it enables the CT technologists make informed decisions alongside physicians and other medical professionals. Therefore, with the importance of communication in the CT scan unit not in question, this paper will discuss the methods of communication the CT technologists use. The CT scan unit is a formal working environment but the nature of interactions that take place there necessitate more than formal communication methods (Acuff, Bradley & Osborne, 2014). However, the most prominent methods used include written communication such letters, email and memos; oral communication such formal briefings and phone calls; online communications; scientific communication; and face-to-face communication, which entails the largest portion informal communication. All these have a common objective to communicate needs in a timely manner and remain clear, avoid repetitions, be concise and, most importantly, minimize anxiety and trauma. This type of communication remains the most prominent in the formal setup. Its significance is more emphasized in communications because CT technologists and their colleagues, physicians and medical professionals. One of the primary responsibilities of CT technologists is receiving and responding to orders from physicians as well as departmental protocols, and email and internal memos serve this function effectively. For example, email will enable CT technologists to exchange information and pass and receive messages between themselves and their team members without any of them leaving their work stations. Although the CT technologist will have an interpersonal form of communication with the patient, written communication prior to the procedure will prepare both patients and their families for what is coming (Beukelman & Ray, 2010). Written communications,