Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Find solution and essay(Easy work) Research Paper

Find solution and essay(Easy work) - Research Paper Example From the lists of tables provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Table 2.1 shows the Personal Income and its Disposition (, 1). Nominal personal income for the first quarter of 2011 is $12,980 billion while nominal disposable income is $11,711.6 billion after deducting nominal or current personal taxes of $1,268.4 billion. Nominal personal consumption or personal consumption expenditures comprise the largest part of the personal outlays as it amounted to $10, 683.8 billion. The nominal personal savings or the amount left from the disposable income after deduction of the personal outlays is $663.6 billion. Marginal propensity to save or MPS is the increase in savings per unit increase in income. It is computed by dividing the change in savings by the change in income. From the same table, Table 2.1, savings increased from $640 billion in the last quarter of 2010 to $663.6 billion in the first quarter in 2011. This means that savings increased by $23.6 billion. On the other hand, personal income also increased from $12,724 billion in the last quarter of 2010 to $12,980 billion in the first quarter of 2011. After subtracting the two amounts, there was a $256 billion increase in the personal income. From the formula, MPS = change in savings / change in income, MPS is equal to 0.09. Marginal propensity to consume or MPC is the increase in consumption spending per unit increase in income. It is computed by dividing the change in consumption expenditures by the change in income. And based from Table 2.1, personal consumption expenditure in the last quarter of 2010 was $10,513.6 and $10,683.8 in the first quarter of 2011. So, a $170.2 billion increase in personal consumption expenditure was computed. Following the formula, MPC = change in consumption/ change in income, MPC is equal to 0 .66. However, if MPS and MPC will be computed using income after deduction of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Experience and other evidence Essay Example for Free

Experience and other evidence Essay Job stress and low pay is a complaint and common reason that people cite for quitting a particular job or changing professions altogether. Low pay simply is a matter of not being able to meet the cost of living for one’s self and family with take home pay. Job stress speaks to the actual work conditions and requirements, and the actual stressors change with each profession. When job stress and low pay occur together, people are likely to leave an entire profession, never to return. In our country teachers are face numerous stressing factors not only unruly students in the classroom, but also inadequate teaching resources, lack of administrative support, and low morale among their fellow teachers. As a result teachers are leaving their classrooms and abandoning the teaching profession, due to the combination of on the job stress factors coupled with low and inadequate pay. In April 2007 Cal State University Teacher Quality Institute conducted a study that reveals the reasons that many teachers are leaving the teaching profession. Some of the top reasons cited by the 1,900 teachers surveyed include poor working conditions, lac of authority to make classroom decisions, and low pay. Some also cited lack of text books and supplies, and the obsession with tests and test preparation. The study, which focused on teachers in California, found that 20% leave within the first four years and the up to 10% leave after just one year teaching in high schools in higher poverty areas. (Dang 2007) In general half of teachers who left their jobs cited simple frustration. The frustrating factors they cited included low support from the school district, an unsupportive principal, and low teacher morale. Low or inadequate pay is high on the list because teachers, particularly new ones, have a hard time meeting the cost of living on a teacher’s salary. The study finds that some teachers would not even accept more pay to return and endure the multitude of stressing factors or poor working conditions they find themselves in.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay -- Embryo Embryonic Stem

Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research Scientific research has the ability to help the terminally ill and disabled. Some people find this research is morally wrong. If this research helps people with disease and disability would you condone it? Today in The United States there is controversy facing embryonic stem cell research.People are dying because of the legal and moral obstacles involved in embryonic stem cell research. American citizens with illnesses and disease could be treated if this research was to continue at a much faster pace. With federal funding scientists believe they will be able to have more success with embryonic stem cell research. Humans are suffering from serious illnesses every day and these restrictions are putting a hold on maybe one day finding a cure. Embryonic stem cell research is experimental research that uses aborted fetuses and embryos to help cure certain illnesses and diseases. Embryonic stem cells are cells taken from aborted embryos. Embryonic stem cells are very different than any other cells in the body. These embryonic stem cells are considered blank cells. This means that embryonic stem cells can be programmed to be almost any kind of cell, tissue, or organ in the body. â€Å"Stem cells have three general properties: they are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods; they are unspecialized; and they can give rise to specialized cell types. Embryonic stem cells are primitive (undifferentiated) cells from the embryo that have the potential to become a wide variety of specialized cell types,† states The National Institute of Health. In other words, embryonic stem cells are the most versatile cells in the body. They are able to take on ... ...ent’s Council on Bioethics. The statement made by that ethics within the law are holding back future of embryonic stem cell research. The Solution The problem here is basic. Embryonic stem cell research holds the key to a wide variety of medical advances. This research being very controversial because of morals is highly regulated and poorly funded. There are many different solutions can be proposed in favor of embryonic stem cell research. 1. Vote for more liberal governemnt officals in favor of the research. 2. Educate and inform the people around you about the benefits of stem cell research. 3. Donate money to nonprofit organizations such as "The Stem Cell Research Foundation". These donations can be written of your income tax returns. Donations would help speed up the research process and eventually start the healing process.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mary Anne Warrens The Abortion Issue Essay -- Abortion Issue Mary War

Mary Anne Warren’s â€Å"The Abortion Issue† In Mary Anne Warren’s â€Å"The Abortion Issue,† children are not persons in the empirical sense. Warren believes that prior to a certain point in a pregnancy, the child does not have â€Å"the capacity to understand† the ramifications of what an abortion would be, therefore the abortion does not infringe upon the rights of the unborn fetus. She states that: â€Å"†¦in the ways that matter from a moral point of view, human fetuses are very unlike human persons, particularly in their early months of development†(152). In essence, personhood as defined by Warren can only come after the first trimester. Before that time, the fetus does not have the sentience that would make it a person. Warren’s main criteria for what makes a person will be considered first, then we will move on to her argument on sentience, and the differences she notes between a fetus and an infant. As she states in her paper, there are five main categories that empirically place something as a person. They include sentience, or conscious behavior, such as awareness of our surroundings, rationality: the ability to respond according to what affects us, self-concept: the ability to understand what we are, self-motivated behavior: the planning and carrying out of our own beliefs and thoughts beyond how we are externally affected, and linguistic capacity, or the use of a system to convey messages. Warren does not raise the answers to already obvious arguments when considering these ...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Identifying the Genetic Material

Frederick Griffith, a bacteriologist, was trying to prepare a vaccine against the pneumonia-causing bacterium, S. pneumoniae. A vaccine is a substance that is prepared from killed or weakened microorganisms and is introduced into the body to protect the body against future infections by the microorganisms. Griffin worked with 2 types, or strains of S. Pneumonia. The first strain is enclosed in a capsule made of polysaccharides. The capsule protects the bacterium from the body's defense systems; this helps make the microorganisms virulent, or able to cause disease. Because of the capsule, this strain of S. Pneumonia grows as smooth-edged (S) colonies when grown in a Petri dish. The second strain of S. Pneumonia lacks the polysaccharide capsule and does not cause disease. When grown in a Petri dish, the second strain forms rough-edged R colonies Griffith knew that mice infected with the S bacteria grew sick, and died, while mice infected with the R bacteria were not harmed. To determine whether the capsule on the S bacteria were causing the mice to die, Griffith injected the mice with dead S bacteria. The mice remained healthy. Griffith then prepared a vaccine of weakened S bacteria by raising their temperature to a point at which the bacteria were â€Å"heat-killed† meaning that they could no longer reproduce ( the capsule remained on the bacteria). When Griffith injected the mice with heat-killed S bacteria, the mice still lived. Thus, Griffith knew it was not the capsule on the S bacteria that killed the mice. He then mixed the harmless live R bacteria with the harmless heat killed S bacteria. Mice injected with this mixture of previously harmless preparations died. When Griffith examined the blood of the dead mice, he found that the live R bacteria had required polysaccharide capsules. Somehow, the harmless R bacteria had changed and became virulent S bacteria. Griffith had discovered what is now called transformation, a change in phenotype caused when bacterial cells take up foreign genetic material. But the cause of the transformation was not known at the time. Avery's experiments An elegant series of experiments showed that the activity of the material esponsible for transformation was not affected by protein-destroying enzymes, but the activity was stopped by a DNA- destroying enzyme. In this way, almost 100 years after Mendel's experiments were performed, Oswald Avery and his co-workers, biologists at the Rockefeller Institute, in NYC, demonstrated that DNA is the material responsible for transformation. DNA had the instructions for the making of the capsule in the S strain of S. Pneumonia. III. Hershey and Chase Show that Virus Genes Are Made of DNA. Scientists knew that proteins were important to many aspects of cell structure and metabolism, so most of them suspected that proteins were the genetic material. They also knew very little about DNA, so they could not imagine how DNA could carry genetic information. A. Viruses reveal DNA's role Alfred Hershey, and Martha Chase, performed an experiment that settled the controversy. It was known at the time that viruses, which were much simpler then cells, are made of DNA ( or sometimes RNA) surrounded by a protective protein coat. Bacteriophage, also referred to as phage are viruses that infect bacteria. It was also known that when phage are able to produce more viruses, which are released when the bacterial cells rupture. Hershey and Chase knew that the only molecule in the phage that contained phosphorus was its DNA. Likewise, the only phage molecules that contained sulfur were the proteins in it coat. Hershey and Chase used these differences in chemical composition to carry out the experiment. Steps T2 phages were grown with E. coli bacteria in a nutrient medium containing either 35S or 32P E. oli were infected with either 35S- or 32P- labeled phages. The infected E. coli were mixed and then spun. Each layer was tested for radioactivity. The 35S label was found only in the upper layer containing the virus's parts. The 32P label was found mostly in the lower layer containing the E. coli. Upon infection, the phages protein coat falls away. They inject their DNA into the E. coli, causing the E. coli to make more viral DNA and proteins. These important experiments, and many others since, have shown that DNA is the molecule that stores genetic information in living cells.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hitlers Appeal essays

Hitlers Appeal essays The unemployment in Germany from 1928 to 1932 was devastating to the nations economy. Reasons are varied but all are contributing factors. Unemployment soared, it grew 3 1/2 times in just five years. The treaty of Versailles was to blame, as it took away much land, where many natural resources were obtained. Also was the disarmament, which caused much job cuts, as no more weapons were being made. The Jewish were blamed for the bankruptcies and inflation because they were in charge of many financial institutions. Hitler proclaimed that they somehow tampered with the banking system to promote their own financial needs. All allegations were false; they were only used to help Hitler in his political race to rule the country, and eventually the world. Hitler made these speeches to make German residents think that all the other countries blamed them and their allies for the war. Hitler made their country sound strong, but also capable of doing a lot because of the quarantine imposed on them. Germans were gaining a false sense of pride and hope for the future from Hitler. Germans were feeling anger towards the nations forcing the treaty of Versailles against them because of many things. One, Loss of German territory, overseas and much of their own connected land. Payments of reparations were severe, especially because of their economic state of depression. Germany was also ordered disarmament, which only lowered their defense and decreased employment. Germany and their Allies were blamed for the war, even though Germany was under a new government, their old leaders also took responsibility for all losses. Their old national leaders and their allies, who were overthrown, signed the treaty. The new government had to assume responsibility. Citizens of Germany seemed to love Hitler; he represented hope for a new country, a strong country. A country whose power would be dominant over all other countries. Here was a man who could brin ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gorgo - Queen of Sparta

Gorgo - Queen of Sparta Gorgo was the only daughter of King Cleomenes I of Sparta (520-490). She was also his heir. Sparta had a pair of hereditary kings. One of the two ruling families was the Agiad. This was the family to which Gorgo belonged. Cleomenes may have committed suicide and is considered unstable, but he helped Sparta achieve prominence beyond the Peloponnese. Sparta may have given rights to women that were rare among the Hellenes, but being heir didnt mean Gorgo could be Cleomenes successor. Herodotus, in 5.48, names Gorgo as Cleomenes heir: In this manner Dorieos ended his life: but if he had endured to be a subject of Cleomenes and had remained in Sparta, he would have been king of Lacedemon; for Cleomenes reigned no very long time, and died leaving no son to succeed him but a daughter only, whose name was Gorgo. When King Cleomenes, his successor was his half-brother Leonidas. Gorgo had married him in the late 490s when she was in her late teens.Gorgo was the mother of another Agiad king, Pleistarchus.Importance of Gorgo Being an heir or patrouchas would have made Gorgo noteworthy, but Herodotus shows that she was also a wise young woman. Wisdom of Gorgo Gorgo warned her father against a foreign diplomat, Aristagoras of Miletus, who was trying to persuade Cleomenes to support an Ionian revolt against the Persians. When words failed, he offered a large bribe. Gorgo warned her father to send Aristagoras away lest he corrupts him. Cleomenes accordingly having so said went away to his house: but Aristagoras took the suppliants branch and went to the house of Cleomenes; and having entered in as a suppliant, he bade Cleomenes send away the child and listen to him; for the daughter of Cleomenes was standing by him, whose name was Gorgo, and this as it chanced was his only child, being of the age now of eight or nine years. Cleomenes however bade him say that which he desired to say, and not to stop on account of the child. Then Aristagoras proceeded to promise him money, beginning with ten talents, if he would accomplish for him that for which he was asking; and when Cleomenes refused, Aristagoras went on increasing the sums of money offered, until at last he had promised fifty talents, and at that moment the child cried out: Father, the stranger will do thee hurt,[38] if thou do not leave him and go. Cleomenes, then, pleased by the counsel of the child, departed into another room, and Aristagoras went away from S parta altogether, and had no opportunity of explaining any further about the way up from the sea to the residence of the king.Herodotus 5.51 The most impressive feat ascribed to Gorgo was understanding that there was a secret message and locating it beneath a blank wax tablet. The message warned the Spartans of an imminent threat posed by the Persians. I will return now to that point of my narrative where it remained unfinished. The Lacedemonians had been informed before all others that the king was preparing an expedition against Hellas; and thus it happened that they sent to the Oracle at Delphi, where that reply was given them which I reported shortly before this. And they got this information in a strange manner; for Demaratos the son of Ariston after he had fled for refuge to the Medes was not friendly to the Lacedemonians, as I am of opinion and as likelihood suggests supporting my opinion; but it is open to any man to make conjecture whether he did this thing which follows in a friendly spirit or in malicious triumph over them. When Xerxes had resolved to make a campaign against Hellas, Demaratos, being in Susa and having been informed of this, had a desire to report it to the Lacedemonians. Now in no other way was he able to signify it, for there was danger that he should be discovered, but he contrived thus, that is to say , he took a folding tablet and scraped off the wax which was upon it, and then he wrote the design of the king upon the wood of the tablet, and having done so he melted the wax and poured it over the writing, so that the tablet (being carried without writing upon it) might not cause any trouble to be given by the keepers of the road. Then when it had arrived at Lacedemon, the Lacedemonians were not able to make conjecture of the matter; until at last, as I am informed, Gorgo, the daughter of Cleomenes and wife of Leonidas, suggested a plan of which she had herself thought, bidding them scrape the wax and they would find writing upon the wood; and doing as she said they found the writing and read it, and after that they sent notice to the other Hellenes. These things are said to have come to pass in this manner.Herodotus 7.239ff Source: Carledge, Paul, The Spartans. New York: 2003. Vintage Books. More on Sparta Greek Hoplite SoldierSpartiateCynisca of SpartaLeonidas King of SpartaCleomenes I King of SpartaSparta and SamosSpartas Rise to PowerLycurgus of SpartaKrypteia The Mythological Gorgo There is an earlier Gorgo, one in Greek mythology, mentioned in both the Iliad and Odyssey, Hesiod, Pindar, Euripides, Vergil, and Ovid, and other ancient sources. This Gorgo, alone or with her siblings, in the Underworld or Libya, or elsewhere, is associated with the snake-tressed, powerful, frightening Medusa, who is the only mortal among the Gorgones.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Paper Proposal Research

Paper Proposal Research Paper Proposal Research Paper Proposal Research: Think before Writing Writing of a paper proposal is the first step you should take before getting down to your paper project. You may wonder whether it is really necessary to write this paper proposal. Yes, it is! But it should be noticed that many students do not understand why they have to write any additional papers except their assignment paper. So, lets explain you the issue. Actually, you support your prospective paper project by writing a paper proposal. You should convince your audience that the topic your have chosen is actual. Besides, you should prove that it is not studied completely; that is why your investigation is worth making. Thus, you see that the success of your paper project depends on a paper proposal considerably. That is why you should think over your paper proposal well and make a kind of paper proposal research. That means that you should think over what points you will highlight in your paper proposal and in what way you will put them. Paper Proposal Research Writing Steps Speaking about the paper proposal research one can point out the following steps you should take to write a convincing paper proposal: Topic. It is obvious that any paper proposal research should begin with studying of the topic you are going to write your paper project on. What kind of study should it be? You should answer the following questions:What are the matter points of the topic? Is the chosen topic actual? Who investigated it before? Of course, you should also provide the background information in your paper proposal. So, you should study informational materials on the topic properly. Literature. You should review informational sources that your paper will be based on. State works of researchers who investigated the issue. This part of your paper proposal research should prove that, firstly, your project has the solid basis and, secondly, you have already studied some information on the topic. Research question. What ex actly are you going to study? You should determine a point of the topic that is the most interesting for you and state it in your paper proposal. Methodology. In what way are you going to make your investigation? You should determine what methods you will apply in your study. Forecasts. How can you catch the interest of your audience? Of course, by making some predictions. So, what results of your study do you expect? Giving some forecasts at the end of your paper proposal will make it intriguing. Paper Proposal Research: Get Help! Thus, these are the main steps of the paper proposal research that will help you write a good paper proposal. If you have any difficulties with your paper project proposal writing, you may look for help in any paper project proposal sample placed in the Internet or contact us! We guarantee you professional help!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Importance of communication in CT scan unit Essay

Importance of communication in CT scan unit - Essay Example Communication helps patients ask questions and gives CT technologists the platform to explain the procedure to them and their families while it enables the CT technologists make informed decisions alongside physicians and other medical professionals. Therefore, with the importance of communication in the CT scan unit not in question, this paper will discuss the methods of communication the CT technologists use. The CT scan unit is a formal working environment but the nature of interactions that take place there necessitate more than formal communication methods (Acuff, Bradley & Osborne, 2014). However, the most prominent methods used include written communication such letters, email and memos; oral communication such formal briefings and phone calls; online communications; scientific communication; and face-to-face communication, which entails the largest portion informal communication. All these have a common objective to communicate needs in a timely manner and remain clear, avoid repetitions, be concise and, most importantly, minimize anxiety and trauma. This type of communication remains the most prominent in the formal setup. Its significance is more emphasized in communications because CT technologists and their colleagues, physicians and medical professionals. One of the primary responsibilities of CT technologists is receiving and responding to orders from physicians as well as departmental protocols, and email and internal memos serve this function effectively. For example, email will enable CT technologists to exchange information and pass and receive messages between themselves and their team members without any of them leaving their work stations. Although the CT technologist will have an interpersonal form of communication with the patient, written communication prior to the procedure will prepare both patients and their families for what is coming (Beukelman & Ray, 2010). Written communications,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example In this book, the author gives information on the latest designs that are used in the aircraft industry. Among the recent materials used are the composite materials which have been highly rated. The author is an associate in the Royal Aeronautical Society, which makes the book have full information on the development of the aircraft industry. The federal aviation gives information on all the acceptable standards of materials used in making aircraft and the manual that can be used by pilots in the course of their working. The federal foundation is a body that controls the aircraft industry with control over a number of issues. This material hives information on how the technology has been improving in using composite materials in making aircraft. The author incepts that there are advantages in the use of the composite materials. The author is the head of strength analysis group. National oceanography centre. (27th June 2006). Composites in aerospoace- case studies. Southampton: National oceanography centre. Retrieved from: With a team of experts, the national oceanography gives the case studies that have been used in making the composite materials a success. The experts have studied the use of the composite materials and how they should be improved in their usage. Edwards T. (September, 2008). Composite material revolutionizes aerospace engineering. New York: Engineering consultancy Atkins. Retrieved from: Edwards gives all the information that is used in making the composite materials used in the aerospace. This information also gives the future of the use of composite materials as the technological improvement of aeronautical engineering. Edwards is a chief structural engineer and has ample information about composite

The Roman History of Cassius Dio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Roman History of Cassius Dio - Essay Example Suetonius and his work the â€Å"The lives of the twelve Caesars" gives us an insight into the character of Nero. While the emperor did not see any direct action in Britain, the causes for the revolt grew under his watch. Thus, one can argue that Nero's lack of concern or apathy towards the provinces and empire contributed to the revolt. As such, the main argument in favor of seeing Nero as responsible for the revolt is his lack of interest or complete disregard for the provinces. Accordingly, using the texts of the Dio, Tacitus, and Suetonius, this essay will first examine the circumstances surrounding the revolt of Boudicca and the manner in which Nero's behavior contributed towards it. The province of Britain did not have a very hostile population. In fact, Tacitus claims that "The Britons themselves submit to the levy, the tribute and the other charges of the empire with cheerful readiness†¦". Instead, the province, which was in charge of Suetonius Paulinus, revolted as a r esult of growing political and economic mistreatment by the Roman provincial administration. This reached a climax with the death of the King Prasutagus who ruled the Iceni autonomously. In his will, he divided his kingdom between Nero and his daughters in order to win approval with the imperial order. However, instead of winning favor, his queen, Boudicca, was flogged, his daughters ravaged and his family, along with those of other nobles were plundered. This incident, along with the abuses of the procurator and the governor, prompted Boudicca and a vast number of Britons to revolt. Further injustices against the Iceni included the takeover of their property by the procurator and the change in the status of their kingdom from autonomous to provincial. Furthermore, financial concessions made to the British earlier became void. Dio stated that the revolt cost approximately 80,000 Roman lives and almost destroyed the Ninth Legion.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


AWKERMAN v TRI-COUNTY ORTHOPEDIC GROUP, P.C., - Essay Example However, during one of the Plaintiff’s stay in one of the homes, he dropped a toy on his toe thus sustaining another bone fracture. This time, suspicions of child abuse were completely abandoned as doctors ultimately alluded to the initial diagnosis. The Plaintiff was then returned to his mother. The Plaintiff together with his mother sued for damages because of the charges of child abuse. The doctors were in the first count were charged with malpractice for failing to properly diagnose the Plaintiff’s disease and breaching the duty of care he was owed. In count II, the doctors were charged with breaching an express and/or implied duty to conform to Shawns care to the applicable standard of practice. In count III, both requested damages for wrongful child abuse reports and for proposing Shawns removal from his maternal parent’s custody. In the second count, the defendant was granted summary judgment of the complaint. In the same count, the Orthopedic Group of doctors were also granted summary judgment and Count III. The same order also granted partial summary judgment to the Count I but only a portion of it; specifically the part claiming damages due to the filed child abuse

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13

Final - Essay Example Following the partition of the Palestine in 1947 and the US government recognition six months later of the State of Israel, there was need for the US military to intervene and protect the young nation. The war in Egypt after the death of Gamal Abdel Nasser who was succeeded by Anwar Sadat who attacked Israeli necessitated the US involvement after the Soviet had threatened to intervene by use of military force against the Israelis. It was at this time when Henry Kissinger used a diplomatic engagement and managed to make peace between the warring countries. To this far, the American Military involvement was justified to be in the Middle East. This is because had it not been for the US military, there would have been no peace between the Israeli and the Egyptians; many people would have lost their lives. The US managed not to be involved militarily in the Middle East conflicts after the WWII, due to continued instability in the Middle East politics between Muslims and Christians, there was need for the American troops to be dispatched there. They managed to contain the situation between the warring factions without any casualties (Faucet, 2013). According to John C. Goodman, in 2009 only, the US government devoted a lot of resources to defend the oil in the Persian Gulf. The reason why the US troops are maintained in Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Oman is to ensure a free flow of oil from the Middle East. The final implication of this reason is cheap oil from the Middle East which comes with unmentioned expenses and costs which policy makers should give a lot of thought before supporting any foreign policy. He argues that if the federal budget for Persian Gulf defense were to be included in the gas price, the US consumer would be paying $5 per gallon (Faucet, 2013). It is unnecessary to have a continued presence of the US troops in Persian Gulf to ensure

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


AWKERMAN v TRI-COUNTY ORTHOPEDIC GROUP, P.C., - Essay Example However, during one of the Plaintiff’s stay in one of the homes, he dropped a toy on his toe thus sustaining another bone fracture. This time, suspicions of child abuse were completely abandoned as doctors ultimately alluded to the initial diagnosis. The Plaintiff was then returned to his mother. The Plaintiff together with his mother sued for damages because of the charges of child abuse. The doctors were in the first count were charged with malpractice for failing to properly diagnose the Plaintiff’s disease and breaching the duty of care he was owed. In count II, the doctors were charged with breaching an express and/or implied duty to conform to Shawns care to the applicable standard of practice. In count III, both requested damages for wrongful child abuse reports and for proposing Shawns removal from his maternal parent’s custody. In the second count, the defendant was granted summary judgment of the complaint. In the same count, the Orthopedic Group of doctors were also granted summary judgment and Count III. The same order also granted partial summary judgment to the Count I but only a portion of it; specifically the part claiming damages due to the filed child abuse

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

In what ways can an organisation's culture affect or influence (a) Essay

In what ways can an organisation's culture affect or influence (a) structure and (b) employee behaviour Answer by using the organisation G.O.F. case study - Essay Example Galactic Office Furniture is a private sector undertaking and follows a hierarchical organization structure. The basic motive of the project is to determine the effect of the present organizational culture and analyse the aspects of Human Resource Management system within the firm. The in-depth analysis of HRM policies is important as it would help in pointing out the defects in the systems and will necessarily bring out the scopes for improvement. The organisational goals and strategies are influenced by the structure and the culture followed by an organisation. Although the goals and strategies documented by the GOF upper brass is quite challenging and forward looking, still the organisational structure and the work culture followed by it greatly limits its value. According to the new mission, the company started focusing on improving the structure of the organization to improve the efficiency of operation. The operations and the production process need to be improved in order to reduce cost and increase flexibility of the process. This actually demands a change in the organization structure. Whenever there is a change in the system, the top management should be careful enough to bring about the change in the organization culture. (Morrison, Brown, Smit, 2006). Bringing a change is the organizational culture is of course a gradual process and it is time consuming. For that specific reason, it is always considered as a long-term strategic goal in Human Resource Management system. However, in most of the cases, culture might be considered as an abstraction but its forces are derived from the social interaction within the organization. (Schein, 2004, p.5). For that reason when the management seeks to adapt certain change in policy, it is always advisable to start from the core of the organization to bring about a change in the cultural base of the organization. Effective leadership can

It’s Also For Me Essay Example for Free

It’s Also For Me Essay Since I was in prep school, there is always a significant number of people who talk to me in English. And even if it’s not my prime vernacular, I try really hard to converse back. I have to admit that, most of the time, I have difficulties in understanding native English speakers as the use of slang is very popular here in the United States. I got the hang of it, though, by trying to learn the language on my own – whenever my schedule permits. I scan the dictionary every once in a while, read English short stories often, and ask my friends to talk to me in English whenever possible. These are the few ways I dig to acquire competence in writing and speaking in English, not to mention the fact that I never have had an English subject back in elementary and high school. Now that I plan to enter college, I need to pass the University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) as a requisite for a baccalaureate degree in my prospect university. This requirement is to measure a student’s competency in English writing. It’s a tough thing for me – that’s a given. But with my determination and persistence to hone my English skills (writing in particular), I am certain that I will be able to go through it and be admitted. Why not? This could also be for me! I want to prove to myself that even if I’m not a native English woman, I can put myself in a position where the natives are in – level myself to them, so to speak. I started writing in English in grade school. Even if my phrasing is bad, and most of my sentences consist of grammatical errors, I never forwent my desire to write. To strike a balance, though, I also write in my native language which is place native language here. I kept a diary and wrote a number of poems both in English and in place native language here. Back then, I remember I had troubles with my subject-verb agreement. I weren’t able to differentiate phrases from sentences, nouns and verbs, the past and present tenses and all that jazz. And as to speaking, I seemed to suck at pronunciation; I used to pronounce mad, mud and mod in the same way! But as I said, that was before. I am now pretty complacent of my English skills, more importantly in writing. I considered challenge every single encounter I had with a native English speaker. I tried to talk back with all confidence; and true indeed, each experience 0effected to an improvement in my skills. I am positive about satisfying the UWSR by taking the Writing Skills Test (WST) which will demonstrate my critical thinking and good analysis. I answered a few English-written essays before, analyzed a few texts and answered tough personal questions from previous mentors. These have greatly helped me in enhancing whatever level of English I possess. With these all together, I am confident to take the WST. Young optimist I am, I believe that language should never ever curtail a child’s longing to be educated in a good school. Education for me is something to be literally fought for – something a child, no matter how financially constrained, should not fail to have. Everyone is entitled to it. I AM ENTITLED TO IT. Source: Writing Skills Test. California State University-East Bay. Retrieved 06 March 2008 at http://www. testing. csueastbay. edu/uwsr/wst/wsthome. php

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reflection on a business education course

Reflection on a business education course Reflection according to Walker E. S (2006) p 216 has been defined as a process regarding thinking about and exploring an issue of concern, which is triggered by an experience. This simply means that for there to be a reflection, there has to be an experience, irrespective of it being positive or negative. Leaver- Dunn et al were also noted in Walker E. S (2006) p 216 that reflection has the ability to distinguish between the expert practitioners and their peers. To start with and looking way back to the beginning of this particular course it is interesting to note that being an international student from Nigeria and studying Marketing Communications in the University of Bedfordshire was an experience never to be forgotten, i have been through various forms of transformation, since the session started in September 21st,2009. Transformation theory, that was initially developed by Jack Mezirow, identifies a process of change that begins with an experience one cannot incorporate into the mental matrix built from prior life experience, and which usually includes the following components: a disorientating dilemma, self examination, a critical assessment of assumptions, the recognition that others have gone through similar processes, the exploration of options for forming new roles, relationships or actions, the formulation of a plan of action and reintegration into the experience with new, transformed perspectives. Fuguan Tan (2009) Talking about transformation, i personally come from a country that the educational system is totally different from that of Europe, particularly the United Kingdom. I was able to come to terms with the fact that there existed a school calendar that will be strictly followed and i saw myself in an organised setting. At first i had problems coming to terms with being the only Nigerian girl in my class until later when i was joined by another fellow from my home country, this gave me a bit of confidence as to facing the challenging course. In the words of Aileen C. and Elaine E, (2004) they wrote that thoroughly reflecting on practice is actually a central feature of effective learning, they went on to define reflection as focusing on the immediate, thereby presenting the details of a problem or task. As an individual i agree with the need to reflect or rather focus on the immediate, this will definitely help to make corrections for the future and not make the same mistakes already made if at all there was any. Further in the words of Horton-Deutsch. S and Sherwood Gwen (2008, p 947) reflection involves thinking about experience, which leads learners to a fuller understanding of what they know and increases their potential for leadership. Also true in my perspective is the argument of Horton-Deutsch, who wrote that it is important to reflect or think back on the experience, which will in turn improve the individuals knowledge about a particular situation or increase the potential for greater heights. In most cases it is believed that the experience for studying abroad has great potential for transforming international student. I must say i went through some stages of transformation such as encountering change, engaging in reflection, reconfiguring perceptions and re-acclimating to the situation. Fuguan Tan (2009) Worthy of note is the point that throughout my study in my home country , there has never been an opportunity for me to reflect, this made it rather impossible for me to have a re-think on my mistakes, and there was also no opportunity to make corrections. 5.2 WHAT DOES REFLECTION MEAN? Cunliffe, (2004, p. 414) defines reflection as the means or process through which an experience in the form of thought, feeling, or action, is examined to analyze its meaning while it is happening or subsequently. Kember et al., (2000), wrote that reflection does represent a point on a learning continuum which is then characterised by habit at one end and critical reflection at the other. To Schon (1983) reflection is referred to as the ability to rethink ones prior thoughts and action in context, both to surface assumptions as well as to make meaning. Reflection, as written in Klenowski V and Lunt I (2008) is mostly defining with regards to conceptual components and theoretical perspectives. Horton-Deutsch S and Sherwood Gwen (2008) explained that Reflection is about learning from experience, a critical aspect of knowledge development and a skill essential to leadership development. They both went on to argue on the basis that reflection goes far beyond ordinary empirical knowing, but it also combines personal and ethical ways of knowing. Korthagen F and Vasalos A (2005) wrote that the essential importance of reflection is to learn from experiences. Woerkom M (2010) referred to reflection in Deweyans perspective as instrumental learning; he went further to note that it is the assessment of assumptions implicit in beliefs about how to solve problems. In this particular definition, reflection thus also includes an element of criticism but refers more to instrumental thinking, which is concerned with how to solve a problem. In contrast, Mezirow defines critical reflection as addressing the question of the justification for the very premises on which problems are posed or defined in the first place and examination of their sources and consequences. Critical reflection cannot become an integral element in the immediate action process but requires a hiatus in which to reassess ones meaning perspectives and, if necessary, to transform them. Critical self-reflection refers to the most important learning experience. It means reassessing the way we have posed problems, our own meaning perspectives, as well as reassessing our own orientation to perceiving, knowing, believing, feeling, and acting. Some of the scholars perceived reflection, as critical reflection or critical thinking. It is therefore often not clear what the difference is, or even if there exist a difference, between these terms. Dewey, who is perceived as the founder of the concept of reflection, sometimes uses the terms reflective thinking and critical thinking interchangeably. Scott. G.S (2010) 5.3 RECOLLECTIONAND PROCESS OF REFLECTION OF REFLECTION The theoretical framework for reflection according to Korthagen F and Vasalos A (2005, p48) is referred to as ALACT model. This model is said to rely on the assumption that by nature people reflect on their experiences. The model also describes a structured reflective process, but on the other hand, the model did not take note about the content of reflection. On the other hand Scott. G S (2010) p 434 argued that the benefit of reflection has got extensive theoretical support in literature, though Scotts definition of reflection is not without its own argument. He went on to write that the critical theorists reflection is considered to require the surfacing of assumptions relative to situations and surrounded firmly power relations, control and the transformation of belief and values. Reflection was interchangeably used by management theorists as personal, psychological change rather than social change Scott. G.S (2010) p 434 The role of student reflection is an integrated learning process, and reflection has three stages: a review of experience, analysis, and re-evaluation (Peltier, Drago, 2004; Peltier et al., 2005). The initial stage of this process is the review of experience and presupposes awareness. That is, it presupposes that the experience in question has been brought into consciousness. The term reflection is frequently used very loosely and this can easily obscure the disciplined and challenging nature of such learning. Reynolds (1999) distinguishes between critical reflection an approach in which both experience and its social and political contexts are examined, reflection which focuses on the individual and gives little attention to social or political processes, and critical thinking, a term which he argues is usually used to signify a disciplined approach to problem solving (Reynolds, 1999, p. 173). He went on to claim that in the management literature critical reflection is being used in the weaker sense to describe thoughtful analysis or problem solving (Reynolds, 1999, p. 177). With regard to reflection and learning, Argyris and Schon distinguish between single loop and double loop learning. For the exercise of single loop learning it is possible by observing and reflecting on our own actions, to make a description of the tacit knowing implicit in them (Schon, 1987, p. 25).This enables us to analyse and evaluate such knowledge. However, double loop learning involves not only reflecting on ones actions, but also exploring the assumptions and theories-in use which are embedded in those actions. Walsh (2009) 5.4 PERSONAL FEELINGS AND LEARNING FROM THE EXPERIENCE The discomfort that was felt at the beginning of the dissertation was overwhelming. It all started the first day that we were told to prepare for the first dissertation presentation, as i faced the fear i still was able to gather knowledge. I wondered in the beginning if i could cope with the work ahead of me, but with the encouragement of mentors i was able to face it and carry on. Reflective thinking is to be used to enhance decision skills, cultural sensitivity, and teamwork, not simply express feelings or record in a diary what occurred, McInnis-Bowers et al. (2010) In the words of Scott S G (2010) reflection, is referred to as the process of rethinking ones prior thoughts and actions in context to surface assumptions and make meaning. Reflection represents one point on a learning continuum that is characterized by habit at one pole and critical reflection at the other. During the course of my study particularly during the period i was writing up my dissertation, the experience i had has thought me to believe in myself and stop thinking i cannot do it. It has thought me to always face my tasks with whatever challenges that come with it. From this experience i have realised that there is no two ways about succeeding except through hard work and there is a saying that goes thus Proper, Preparation, Prevents, Poor, Performance 5Ps. The first feedback i had with my group members for the progress in the Trident campaign which marked the kick off for the final dissertation. It did not seem a good start to me, because my group had a lot of things to work on and it was obvious not every group member was willing to work. Although the feeling did not serve as a drawback it only meant i had to work harder. On that day we were advised on the three vital aspects of the dissertation which included the campaign plan and report, literature review and finally the reflection. Before we attended the second feedback, myself and the other three group members met on three occasions where we delegated work to each member on the task ahead, most of the time it was two of the four members that was active, and on several instances i personally encouraged them to put in more effort so we all can achieve success at the end of the piece of work. The second feedback which was on the tenth of March, was attended by two supervisors and again i was not happy with myself as no thorough research was done, my input was not good enough and when we were asked what our campaign strategy meant, none of my group members could respond, this became a bit depressing. Looking forward to a sixty unit module i felt really down, but then it became a challenge. The problem that was posed was the inability to put literature together to back our arguments up but at the latter stage things got better. Again in the beginning it looked like we had difficulty interpreting the brief, as we came up with several propositions, objectives and strategy which seemed not to make sense, for this reason the task became more competitive as the other two groups had the same topic and it seemed my group was not making a head way. 5.5 GROUP DYNAMICS AND LEARNING FROM THE EXPERIENCE Within my group i happened to be the only female amongst three guys and i thought this reason will make them more active than i am but the reverse was the case, this was the reason why in the beginning i had mixed feelings about working within a group, as it seemed everyone had a level of understanding and this means it takes a brilliant one to be able to achieve success. I had no choice at that point as we had a little group of twelve in the entire marketing communications, masters degree class, which made it really obvious to be able to distinguish between the brilliant and dull students. Several times i was not happy with the groups i fall into, but with determination to excel i usually face it, and i never regretted my decisions as i never failed a group work. According to Moon (2004, p. 136) when considering the university perspective on experiential learning and reflection, it becomes apparent, that the fact that all education comes about through experience does not mean that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative he also argued that a distinction needs to be made between what she terms informal reflection and academic reflection the latter being a formal process. Walsh (2009) At a point during the group meetings i became so unhappy and i told other group members i was no longer interested in the work though this was not a true statement from my heart, i was probably too upset, but with time i was able to calm myself down and cope even though things did not work out as planned On several occasions there existed misunderstanding and i personally found out that there was need for these misunderstanding as it helps in moving forward most of the time. Again many at times a member within the group was used to saying he works better under pressure and this did not go well with me as i do not work well under pressure, instead i do the opposite meaning i plan my time and i appreciate time management and not fire brigade approach in carrying out my task. Many times after a misunderstanding there exist dialogue and apologies will be made by the necessary group members and then the task continues, interestingly we tend to achieve more at this time. Another point worthy to note at this time is that working within a group gives a knowledge about the office environment, where one will be working with other members of staff and if a task is to be carried out, there will be no opportunity to choose who to and who not to work with. Each time i think of this i am encouraged to cope within any group i find myself and try to corporate and have a good team spirit. Reflection then, in the words of Scott G S (2010) p 432 is the process or means by which an experience, in the form of thought, feeling, or action, is examined to distil its meaning while it is happening or subsequently. Reflection is fodder for self-regulation in an environment where what we define as useful and effective behaviour changes continuously. With reference to the words of Scott (2010) i had different reactions to every situation that i was faced with, always thinking back that i had a degree in a different educational setting and now a masters in Europe. At that point it was obvious something was not right as the first and second feedback did not yield a positive result, but something i held on to was the words given by the supervisors, which i pondered on, i went on to sent my piece of work to the tutors over the internet, again little improvement was made, it all became worrying but i never give up. What happened next? I suggested we needed to meet a tutor and start afresh, interesting, we approached him and he was happy to lead us aright, every group member attended this meeting and things began to change. From the proposition, target audience, strategy and very many useful advices was given. Most importantly we were told to include some theories of learning and reflection to buttress some points, this period was a well cherished one as it marked the beginning of a turn around. My role within the group was a very vital one as the other members do contact me to know what the next step was, i was always be called upon to divide the task and explain what we did so far including the future plan. I enjoyed doing this as i have always seen myself as a charismatic leader, of course a leader by example. 5.6 LESSONS FOR THE FUTURE PROJECTS When one talks of success story, that does not literarily mean the results for the dissertation is out already but the fulfilment and the joy that comes to mind knowing basically that the group work and the individual part was done and submitted in due time is worthy of note. Soon after the summer holiday started two of the four group members did travel to their home country leaving just two people to deal with the work. Sincerely things went slow but at each time a meeting was arranged and there was progress at every meeting coupled with misunderstandings. On the eighth of June, we had a final group presentation with feedback, which marked the final day of the course, to our greatest surprise the proposition we have changed time and time again, target audience segmentation and the tag line began to communicate, it became obvious that the group was on track even though the actual presentation got lost in a missing flash drive. The group was advised to do more research and understand the target audience and what needs to be done to communicate the brand (Trident chewing gum) is the strategy and implementation. Throughout this same month and July communication continued online as it became a bit difficult to meet in the university since the library closed earlier than usual. Each part of the campaign was dealt with rigorously and the power point slides were put together then the report followed afterwards. Scott G. S (2010) p 433 was earlier quoted in the report where he noted that John Dewey is considered a key originator of thinking about reflection. Dewey argued in his own words that reflective individuals have certain characteristics, which includes open-mindedness, which illustrates the will power within an individual to accept intellectual responsibility for ones own views, wholeheartedness this simply means, a willingness to face fears and uncertainties, and finally enthusiasm. Reflection is concerned with practices and actions, especially professional practice in fields such as school teaching (Allen, 1992; Beyer, 1989; Collier, 1999), nursing (Burns Bulman, 2000), social work (Fook, 1996), and management communities of practice (Welsh Dehler, 2004). Reflection also generates inquiry and a search for meaning; it provides the potential to see things in a way they have not been understood before. More simply, reflective practice contributes to learning. What i have learnt that will be forever useful to me is the ability to dialogue, this a very important instrument particularly in a group work scenario. Again it is good to listen to the leader as two wrongs can never make a right, it is totally unfair when team members refuse to listen to the leader, and obviously things will not go well. I have also learnt that in the future i understand clearly the basis of my task before i kick off with work on it, as this delayed my group from moving forward during the presentation, as though we were moving around within the same circle, before we got our priorities right. The means of reflection is most often dialogue through which subjective and objective experience is processed, questioned, and meaning is made of it. Reflection through dialogue demonstrates students learning through their ability to conceptualize what they have learned, the meaning it has for their present and future, and the recognition that they are neither the same person as they were a few years previously nor should they expect to be a few years hence. Baker, Jensen, and Kolb (2002) labelled this approach to learning the inside-out approach. Scott G. S (2010) p 433 5.7 CONCLUSION In concluding this reflection report it is interesting to note that learning can be considered as a process of argumentation in which thinking, reflecting, experiencing and action are different aspects of the same process. It is also a practical argumentation with oneself and in collaboration with others that actually forms the basis of learning. (Pavlica et al. 1998: 145) in Corley A and Eades E (2004, P 138) During the review of literature it was noted according to Jeffrey D et al. (2000) that reflection is not an entirely new process and some writers trace it to the work of Socrates, they went on to describe reflection as a process of disengaging from or stepping back from an experience and taking time to deliberately and carefully review it, think about it and construct meaning from it, however reflection is said to have a past, present and future element. In this report the writer has been able to reflect generally about the past experience, looking through the beginning of the marketing communications masters degree first impression, through to the present time which has to do with the experience while writing up the dissertation, it is also interesting to note that the writer also discussed briefly of future expectations and learning from the past experience that can positively affect the future work. Having reflected on my experience from first day of university up until the days of my final dissertation, i will say i have actually enjoyed the entire process. Meeting friends from other parts of the world was a good thing to remember, with no exceptions of my tutors who were always there, and willing to help with whatever need we might have during the course of study. However i quit e agree with the idea of personal reflections as it gives the opportunity to think back and make amends as required. This in turn will have a positive effect on an individual. REFERENCES Miriam Catterall, Pauline Maclaran, and Lorna Stevens (2010) Critical Reflection in the Marketing Curriculum Journal of Marketing Education, Vol. 24 No. 3, December 2002 184-192 Scott. G Susanne (2010) Enhancing Reflection Skills through Learning Portfolios: An Empirical Test. Journal of Management Education 34(3) 430-457. The Author(s) , http://www. Fuguan Tan (2009) Tri-fold Transformation: An International Adult Students Reflections on Online Learning. Walker E. S (2006). Journal Writing as a Teaching Technique to Promote Reflection Journal of Athletic Training Vol. 41, No 2 p216-221 Klenowski Val and Lunt Ingrid (2008) Enhancing learning at doctoral level through the use of reflection. Taylor Francis Walsh Anita (2009) Modes of Reflection: Is it possible to use both individual and collective reflection to reconcile the three-party knowledge interests in workplace learning? European Journal of Education, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2009, Part I _1389 385 Aileen Corley and Elaine Eades (2004) Becoming critically reflective practitioners: academics and students reflections on the issues involved. Pp. 137-144. Human Resource Development International, Taylor and Francis Limited Horton-Deutsch Sarah and Sherwood Gwen (2008) Reflection: an educational strategy to develop emotionally- competent nurse leaders. Journal of Nursing Management, 16, 946-954 Doyle, Wendy; Young, Jeffrey D (2000).Managing Development: Making the most Experience and Reflection. Fall2000, Vol. 25 Issue 3, p18 Marianne van Woerkom, (2010) Advances in Developing Human Resouces. The Concept of Critical Reflection and Its Implications for Human Resource Development Advances in Developing Human Resources Vol. 6, No. 2 p 178-192

Sunday, October 13, 2019

With reference to one specific area of the media discuss the ways it may be termed popular culture :: essays papers

With reference to one specific area of the media discuss the ways it may be termed popular culture For this essay I am going to be studying the popular animated TV series ‘The Simpsons’ and saying why I think that it is a classic example of popular culture texts. The programme is twenty-five minute animation about a family at the bottom of the social ladder, the Simpsons. Revolving around the central family the show takes a sideways look at the life of ‘ordinary’ American people. The family has five main members; Homer the father of the family is a blue-collar worker at the local nuclear power station. Marge the mother is a housewife who stays at home all day, then there are the children. Bart (a mischievous prankster) and Lisa (school swat) are pre-teens and lastly there is baby Maggy who doesn’t do that much at all. Every week the family get into various and amusing scrapes and generally carry out the activities that a working class family are ‘supposed’ to do. There are many factors that could categorise ‘The Simpsonsâ €™ as being popular culture, one of them being its intertexuality. The show makes great use of both parody and pastiche as a reference to other popular culture texts such as Star Wars, Psycho and the James Bond films. The programme also features guest appearances by stars of popular culture, such as actors, sports personalities and musicians. Very few people in these roles could be classed as examples of high culture. The other major factor in ‘The Simpsons’ being termed popular culture is the fact that the show is in animated form. No form of animation has ever been seen as a worthy piece of culture by academics and those who decide what is significant and what is not. To establish just why ‘The Simpsons’ can be termed as popular culture we have to define just what it is that we mean by the phrase ‘popular culture’. To put it in its most simple form popular culture can be anything that isn’t categorised as high culture. Academics and members of certain social groups look down on anything termed popular culture as dumbed down entertainment for the masses and something that isn’t worthy of reading. These people attack popular culture as being vulgar and brash, they say its texts are insignificant culturally and that they are only superficial forms of entertainment.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Science and Myth behind Phrenology Essay -- Biology Essays

The Science and Myth behind Phrenology Phrenology is a phenomenon that attempts to relate one’s personality and mental capabilities with the form and structure of one’s skull. This â€Å"science† became popular in the nineteenth century as the Eugenics movement gained widespread approval. In Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, the reference to Phrenology is apparent in the scene where Marlow visits the doctor. â€Å"Then with a certain eagerness [the doctor] asked me whether I would let him measure my head. Rather surprised†¦he produced a thing like calipers. ‘I [the doctor] always ask leave, in the interests of science, to measure the crania of those going out there [the African jungle].’†¦He gave me a searching glance, and made another note. ‘Ever any madness in your family?’ he asked, in a matter-of-fact tome. I felt very annoyed. ‘Is that question in the interests of science, too?’† (Conrad 13). As it can be inferred, Marlow patronizes the doctor by implying that Phrenology is not a scientific practice because it cannot be used to determine the psychologcal â€Å"fitness† of an individual. Regardless, the spectacle of this practice in the late 1900s most likely gave Conrad the impetus to construct this parodied scene, which depicts Phrenology as a baseless science; however, the practice is not wholly baseless. The founder of Phrenology, Austrian physician Franz Joseph Gall, determined the existence of a relationship â€Å"between the morphology of the skull and the human character† (Peter 1). Franz asserted that the brain is responsible for a human’s mental capacities. He attempted to prove this assessment by making statements—found in his chief work, The Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System in General, and ... ...d the movement to justify their White supremacist, Aryan revolution. â€Å"Fascist ideologies like Nazism have misused some elements of craniometry in the framework of their infamous racist doctrines† (Peter 3). As a result of this misuse of Phrenology, it lost much of the scientific respect it hand gained in Western Civilization to the emerging field of psycho-analysis, whose father, Sigmund Freud, believed that the objectivity of Phrenology was limited because of its lack of introspection. Regardless of Phrenology’s disgraced past, it can still be regarded as a well-founded science that has an objective groundwork for assessing the importance of â€Å"self-knowledge, self-achievement, education, and human relationships† (Peter 4) in human development. Works Cited Peter, Van den Bosche. Phrenology. 05 October 2002.

Organizational Culture Essay

Since there are so many other competitors suddenly appear on the horizon, and Samsung have to create a lot of new creativity to face all the compete, they have to create their new organization culture. The new theme of corporate culture is â€Å"Creative†, to building a creative corporate culture, Samsung have to set a few characteristics to put into practice. Based on the research, Samsung adopting a program which is â€Å"Flexible Time† tp maximize employee creativity and another program is monitoring â€Å"Over-time Work† to help improve life quality o employees in year 2008. The material that issues regarding â€Å"Building a Creative Corporate Culture† was identified as : Samsung also promoting a creative organizational culture using some organization behavior concepts which are: * Encouraging Suggestions for Work Process Improvement Samsung Electronics implements various programs to support employees’ suggestions so that ideas can bear fruit. They offer incentives for the filing of patents, provide a knowledge management system to share expertise and knowledge amongst employees, and support community activities. They also offer incentives for idea suggestions to encourage their employees to proactively participate in knowledge sharing within Samsung Electronics. As a result, a total of 3,515 patents were filed in the U.S. in 2008. * Adopting a Flexible Time program Samsung Electronics adopted a â€Å"Flexible Time† test program in 2008 in selected business divisions to maximize the creativity of its employees. This test was the expression of their determination to shift from a time management-based corporate culture to a creativity-oriented corporate culture. Under the program, employees are empowered to flexibly manage their office hours as long as they work a total of eight hours each day. If this test proves successful, Samsung will expand the program to a company-wide level. * Work-Life Balance Because social norms have changed, an increasing number of female workers are participating in economic activities and retaining high potential employees has become the key to successful business operations. Happiness has become the overarching value of employees’ quality life, giving rise to greater social interest in balancing work and life. Therefore, Samsung Electronics also supports and encourages the employees to balance their work and life. In case anyone works overtime, their supervisor and the employee are notified to insure they comply with the legal overtime work requirements. For the creativity of the employees, Samsung Electronics also provides vacations for self-management and other vacation programs including family theme tour packages. * Welfare Programs Samsung Electronics shares and cares about its employees’ concerns over their health, children’s education and post-retirement life and helps them prepare for their future in order to enhance employee satisfaction and provide better working environments. In addition to the basic legal welfare programs such as premium subsidies for National Pension, Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and Employment Insurance, they also provide medical subsidies, a corporate pension program, work-out facilities and condominium rental services. Samsung Electronics believe that a creative corporate culture grows out of the technological search for innovation and its application. , researchers inherently looked for â€Å"innovative† ideas and technologies. A number of failures and prejudices from the trials and errors of the development process were the largest obstacles in putting â€Å"innovative† ideas into practice. This barrier can be broken down to build stronger assurances through a number of verifications and databases. Nevertheless, these procedures can sometimes result in a waste of time. I think Samsung Electronics need to reduce the waste with more open-minded thoughts and perspectives. With an aim to realize a â€Å"Great Work Place (GWP),† Samsung Electronics has analyzed its corporate culture by utilizing the confidence index of âÅ'Å"The 100 Best Companies to Work For by Fortune Magazine since 1998. In 2007, Samsung concluded a global contract with the â€Å"Great Place To Work (GPTW)† of the U.S. for a confidence index survey of their domestic and overseas workforces, which contribute to building a corporate culture that fits their global stature. Based on the GWP analysis results, each division and department prepare and implement improvement plans to build a GWP by filling the gaps in the five survey categories which are of trust, respect, fairness, pride and solidarity. Also, 400 GWP officers supervise and implement corporate culture improvement activities at each workplace.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Early Hominids and Tools

Early Hominids and Tools Jacky Thompson ANT 101 March 20, 2013 Even though humans seem to be the most advanced creatures walking this earth, we certainly had ancestors before us. We share similar genetic information of other animals. They are what we consider early hominids. Early hominids date as far back as 6 to 8 million years ago. Just like humans, they had to have some type of culture in order to survive and make a living. Culture is defined as a dynamic adaptive process of learned, shared, and integrated behaviors.But it is not so obvious that these hominids had culture, so the presences of stone tools and home bases might be the answer to determine if they had culture. Tools are defined as a device or implement used with the hand, to carry out a specific function. Primates learn and share in certain culture, but their social behavior is not as complex as those of humans. The earliest hominids were classified as Australopithecus, which is a type of ape. Scientists claimed that their brains were not big enough to fathom the thought of making tools. Perhaps they used tools to hunt animals.The animals that later hominids hunted were used for food and maybe the furs were used for clothing. This is what we consider hunting and gathering. It is a technique in which the men are responsible for hunting while the women gather the resources. In order for them to hunt they must have had tools to help them kill and clean animals. This process of hunting can be learned and passed on through generations, which are basic parts of culture. The use of tools allowed or ancestor’s opportunities to hunt and do other useful things that were off-limits before the use of tools.Scientist still really does not have clues as to how and why this transition took place. The actual history and time comes from the actual tools themselves. The act of making tools is an example of how developed our ancestor’s brains were. To actually create the thought of making tools and t o figure how they will be designed is a significant development in itself. This symbolizes culture because the process of making tools was probably passed down to generations, and they became better at using and making better tools.Early hominids used stone tool making. This is the deliberate fashioning of a stone into an actual tool. Throwing or bashing the stones against something created it. Archaeologists recognized four types of tools: choppers, flake tools, crude tools, and hand axes. Mostly found in Africa and the Middle East. Early hominids probably made tools with sticks, wood, horn, and other perishable materials. Besides previous uses of tools mentioned, they were also used for fishing out termites and other insects.These tools were supposedly long blades of grass that had been licked, and stuck into holes to get termites, which they ate in order to get proteins and the nutrients they needed. Besides humans, species in the animal kingdom, also shared culture behavior. Thi s was mainly seen in chimpanzees. Scientist often compared the culture of the two. Chimps are genetically the closest related relatives to humans, sharing 98 percent of our DNA. Seeing as to they were this closely related to us, of course they would be capable of making tools like earlier hominids did.Chimps made weapons to hunt. They hunted in things like nuts, fishing for termites. And just like earlier ancestors who ate them, the chimps did also. They choose branches, stripped it of its leaves, trimmed it, and put it to use. Unlike hominids, it is not really successful for chimps to hunt. This might be so because their brain is not as developed as ours. They mostly go after available resources such as, fruits and branches. Males used methods such as grabbing prey and killing it, while the females created the tools that were useful for catching the prey.Now, to the actual cultural behaviors of both humans and chimpanzees, we have a few behavior patterns in common. Humans have the ability to throw things, and more precisely, they are able to aim at an actual object then throw. Chimps have also showed this type of behavior. This type of behavior is not one that is passed on through genetics, but it is socially learned. Like little children who look at their parents, and mirror their actions, baby chimps also learn to do the same thing. So in this case, cultural is socially gratified even though it is not as complex as humans.Both species evolved upright or bipedal. Another culture characteristic is the way chimps wake. This gives us an idea of how our early ancestors begin walking. They no longer walked on all fours, they being to free their hands in order to carry valuable resources. Other characteristics include emotions. Chimps have ways to show fear, often displayed with a small smirk, just like humans. Perhaps this is a mechanism used not to show fear. They can also contract similar illnesses that humans have such as HIV and hepatitis but they do not show symptoms of the viruses.Much like institutionalized humans, chimpanzees whose social, intellectual, and physical, needs are not met, they show behavioral symptoms of stress. Chimpanzees exhibit such behaviors, as self-mutilation, continual rocking, and aggression. These are socially learned mechanisms within cultures. Evidence of early hominids have been seen everywhere, but to actually distinguish if they have cultural behavior is hard. Just like hominids, chimpanzees share, almost the same amount of DNA, giving them a better chance to act out as humans, versus other animals.Even though we share a fair amount of DNA, while chimpanzees are further studied, it is becoming more apparent that their intelligence is higher than we previously thought. Talking, for instance, is not a hard task for hominids, but for chimps, it is believed that they have the learning capacity to use spoken language, but their throats and vocal cords are not designed to make consonant noises and sounds. This eliminates the possibility of chimps actually being able to talk. However, chimps in opposition have been taught to understand English, communicate through with certain keypads, acknowledge certain symbols, and use sign language.Since early hominids were descendants of the same common ancestor as chimps, they most likely had the same resources available to learn the same things as humans did. Another thing that hominid cultures find to be normal is to let the male wander off while the females stayed put in a specific area. Chimps use a similar type method. Instead of the male going out to gather sources and goods, the female traveled while the male held the home base. Another behavior characteristic that we share is socializing. Chips show this by grooming, chasing, or playing.Like hominids they too, show affection, which includes kissing and hugging. Perhaps chimps use grooming to connect, while hominids were more successful through talking. We both show facial expression, and sho ckingly, language. Instead of verbal sounds, chimps make grunts and screams. When it came to hominids and chimps hunting, they both searched for meats and plants, making the both of them omnivorous. Even though many humans would prefer eating meats, chimps lean more towards fruits. One of the most common similarities of the wo are bipedalism. This is the act of walking on two legs. Chimps would be seen most of the time walking on all fours but they use bipedalism to further ahead of themselves. When comparing these two species we are able to find so many similarities. With almost the same amount of DNA, the resemblance is shocking. We both have the ability to hunt, walk on two legs, eat similar foods, and we lack a tail. Our behavior is learned, and shared. Chimpanzees and early hominoids, take on the responsibility of hunting and providing for there offspring.They both had the ability of making and using tools. Perhaps they inherited this ability from some common ancestor. Since ch imps did not learn from humans, we can accept the fact that we are related and originated from a common ancestor. Culture is socially stratified, thus making it important for chimps and humans to adapt to the social norm in order to communicate. So the presence of stone tools, and home bases do suggest that we both had culture, and I can conclude the fact the early hominids and chimps cultural behavior did strongly compare.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How gender Expectations Affect Both Paid and Unpaid Providers of Essay

How gender Expectations Affect Both Paid and Unpaid Providers of Health Care - Essay Example Women care takers have overwhelmed the nursing realm and has taken a dominant role within medicine. The concept of women as workers is a relatively new phenomenon in the last century or so. Since the beginning of time, it was deemed that women should stay home and be "child bearers." Because of the fiscal pressures of the century, women are now encouraged, and some times coerced, to join the work force. Because it out the ethical norm, sex discrimination has surfaced to protest such radical changes. Discrimination has manifested in the form of gender wages, uncooperation from opposite sex counterparts, overlooked for job positions, and so forth. Women are seen inferior to the male dominated workforce. "This invisibility persists at all levels, from the family to the nation. Though they share the same space, women and men live in different worlds." Albeit these discriminations and persecutions have arisen, fierce political measures have been taken by western governments to mitigate such abuses and maltreatment. As far as women as nursing or physicians, particular in Canada, women are still subject to types of discrimination. Men are perceived physically and emotionally stronger to take on duress of any type in contrast to women.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Teachings of Islam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Teachings of Islam - Research Paper Example Islam is just another monotheistic religion like Judaism and Christianity and like them preaches the oneness of God whom the Muslims call Allah. There are differences present in the practices but Islam in originality is a peaceful religion and it is the practice of the few which has gotten it labeled as a terrorist, violent or extremist religion. The basic beliefs and tenets of Islam The main belief of Islam lies in monotheism. Islam's fundamental belief is that God is one and Mohammad is His messenger. This belief can be elaborated by believing that God is one and supreme, unique, all encompassing and powerful. The second belief lies in the prophet hood of prophet Mohammad who initiated the religion in 610 A.D. Their belief relative to prophets is that prophets are human being sent for the guidance and showing the right path. Also that out of many prophets sent by God Mohammad is the last prophet. Thus Islam acknowledges the presence and the prophet hood of Jew and Christian prophet s like Jesus, Moses etc and their names are mentioned in the holy book of Muslims, the Quran. The third belief of Islam states that God sent Holy books of which Quran is meant to be for eternal guidance and all other books are negated by the revelation of Quran. The fourth belief lies in angels who are pure non-human beings performing divine jobs and the last belief lies in resurrection and the day of judgment. This day of judgment, according to Muslim beliefs will be the day when all actions will be weighed and decision regarding heavens or hell will be made. (Alhoda, 2001) There are five basic tenets of Islam of which the first and the foremost is belief in God with all his attributes and attributing no other partners with him. The second is saying prayers five times a day and men gathering in the mosque for Friday afternoon prayers. The third is fasting from dawn to duck in the Holy month of Ramadan (Muslims follow the lunar calendar) and the fourth is giving a fixed percentage o f wealth in the path of God to the poor and the needy. The last is performing pilgrimage to Mecca once in the lifetime for all those who can afford to do so. (Devera) Islam and Muslims in the U.S Muslims entered the United States as Moriscoes who accompanied Columbus when the continent was first discovered. These were followed by slaves who were brought to work in the US and the waves of migrations increased the number of Muslims (Kabourra). In the U.S. today there are between 6-8 million Muslims in the United States out of which African-Americans are predominant. It is the fastest growing faith in the United States (A brief history of islam in the United states) and mosques, Islamic centers and Islamic schools are found in every Muslim community. Regional and national conferences of Muslims are held and issues of common concern are streamlined. Muslims in the USA are allowed to freely practice their religion and MSA's (Muslim Students Association) are present and active in all coll eges and universities. A survey reports that there are 1000 mosques, 400 Islamic schools, 400 associations and over 80 Islamic publications in the US. (A brief history of islam in the United states). Thus Muslims in the United States can practice their religion more freely than a few Islamic countries for example like Turkey where the headscarf is banned or like Egypt or Morocco where being extremely devout is often